Sudan | News | In focus | Situation reports on Sudan's circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus-2 outbreak response

Situation reports on Sudan's circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus-2 outbreak response

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Situation overview

  • In 2021, there is no reported cVDPV2 case. The most recent confirmed cVDPV2 case (SUD.SDA.2020.042) was noAfied reported from South Darfur with date of onset 18 December 2020.
  • During the previous week, the NaAonal Polio Laboratory (NPL) reported one L20B posiAve isolates from the environmental sample, collected April 2021. Final classificaAon is pending.
  • In 2020, Sudan country program reported a total of 58 confirmed circulatory vaccine derived polio virus 2 (cVDPV2) cases, (3 confirmed by contacts), 14 posiAve contacts and 4 healthy children (HC) in 15 states, as well as, isolaAon of cVDPV2 from sewage samples in Khartoum state.
  • In 2021, The Total AFP cases were 202, out of them 170 were discarded as Non-Polio AFP cases, and 32 cases pending classificaAon.
  • The team has been working on analysis of report from the internal AFP surveillance review in four states of North Darfur, Central Darfur, West Kordofan and Northern states. Country team is developing a detailed plan of acAon to implement recommendaAons and further enhance quality of AFP surveillance system.

Read the latest situation report, 21 May 2021

Previous reports

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 30 April 2021

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 16 April 2021

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 15 March 2021

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 19 February 2021

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 5 February 2021

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 2 February 2021

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 15 January 2021

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 13 December 2020

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 02 December

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 26 November 2020

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 18 November 2020

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 10 November 2020

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 4 November 2020

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 28 October 2020

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 20 October 2020

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 16 October 2020

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 6 October 2020

cVDPV-2 outbreak response situation report, 28 September 2020