Substance use atlas

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Substance use atlas 2021

Publication date: 2023

The Substance use atlas 2021 reports on progress made in the implementation of the regional framework for action to strengthen the public health response to substance use. The atlas maps the resources and capacities of the countries of the Region to respond to the problems of substance use. It also highlights challenges and gaps and identifies areas where the public health response to substance use problems needs to be strengthened. The atlas provides aggregated regional information and individual country profiles with detailed information on available resources and capacities at the country level.



Atlas: substance use in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2015

Publication date: 2017

This report presents information on the magnitude of substance use disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and the available resources and services at country level for their prevention and treatment. It provides the results of a country questionnaire in these five major areas: leadership and governance, financing, service organization and delivery, workforce, and information systems.



Atlas: substance use in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2012

Publication date: 2013

This report presents information on the magnitude of substance use disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and the available resources and services at country level for their prevention and treatment. It covers five major areas: demographic characteristics, epidemiology of substance use, policy and legislation as related to substance use disorders, health services, and prevention and harm reduction resources. 


Related links

Atlas on subsance use 2010

Atlas on substance use 2010 country profiles