Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal | All issues | Volume 22, 2016 | Volume 22, issue 11 | Psychobehavioural responses to the 2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome-novel corona virus (MERS CoV) among adults in two shopping malls in Jeddah, western Saudi Arabia

Psychobehavioural responses to the 2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome-novel corona virus (MERS CoV) among adults in two shopping malls in Jeddah, western Saudi Arabia

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N.S. AlNajjar, 1 L.M. Attar, 1 F.M. Farahat 2,3 and A. AlThaqafi 2

الاستجابة النفسية السلوكية لفيروس كورونا الجديد المسبب لمتلازمة الشرق الأوسط التنفسية (2014) لدى البالغين في مجمعين للتسوق في جدة، غرب المملكة العربية السعودية

نسرين سعيد النجار، لجين مدحت عطار، فيصل مصطفى فرحات، عبد الحكيم عقاب الثقفي

الخلاصة: تم اكتشاف متلازمة الشرق الأوسط التنفسية التي يسببها فيروس كورونا أولاً في المملكة العربية السعودية في يونيو/حزيران 2012.ولقد بلغ عدد الحالات أعلى مستوى له خلال شهر أبريل/نيسان 2014. ولتقييم محدِّدات الاستجابة النفسية والسلوكية بين عامة السكان في جدة، الواقعة غرب المملكة العربية السعودية، تم تنفيذ مسح مقطعي في نهاية شهر يونيو/حزيران 2014. وتضمنت المعطيات الخصائص الاجتماعية والسكانية، ومستوى القلق، والتدابير المتخذة للوقاية، والاستجابة بالتجنب الاجتماعي. ولقد استكمل الاستبيان 358 مشاركاً في الدراسة، وكان 58.4% منهم من النساء، وكانت الأعمار تتراوح بين 18 و 72 عاماً. ولم يسبق لأحد من المشاركين أن شخص لديه الإصابة بفيروس كورونا الجديد المسبب لمتلازمة الشرق الأوسط التنفسية. ولقد سجل أكثر من نصف المشاركين (57.7%) درجة معتدلة من القلق باستخدام مقياس القياس البصري المضاهئ. وقد ترافق مستوى القلق مع زيادة ذات أهمية لإدراك قابلية التعرض للعدوى ولسلوكيات اجتماعية للتجنب تتعلق بالسفر وبالحضور في الأماكن العامة.

ABSTRACT Sporadic cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome caused by a novel corona virus (MERS-CoV) were first detected in Saudi Arabia in June 2012. The number of cases was highest during April and May 2014. To assess determinants of psychobehavioural responses among the general population in Jeddah, western Saudi Arabia, a cross-sectional survey was conducted at the end of June 2014. Data included sociodemographic characteristics, level of anxiety, protective measures and social avoidance responses. A total of 358 participants completed the questionnaire; 58.4% were female, and the age range was 18–72 years. None of the participants was diagnosed with MERS-CoV. More than half (57.7%) recorded a moderate anxiety score using a visual analogue scale. Anxiety level was significantly associated with increased perception of susceptibility to infection and social avoidance behaviours related to travel and being in public places.

Réactions psycho-comportementales à l’infection par le coronavirus du syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (MERS-CoV) de 2014 chez des adultes interrogés dans deux centres commerciaux de Djeddah, dans l’ouest de l’Arabie saoudite

RÉSUMÉ Des cas sporadiques d’infection par le coronavirus du syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (MERS-CoV) ont été détectés pour la première fois en Arabie saoudite en juin 2012. Le nombre de cas le plus élevé a été observé en avril et mai 2014. Afin de mesurer les déterminants des réactions psycho-comportementales de la population générale de Djeddah, dans la partie occidentale de l’Arabie saoudite, une étude transversale a été conduite fin juin 2014. Les données incluaient les caractéristiques socio-démographiques, le niveau d’anxiété, les mesures de protection et la mise en place de mesures d’éviction sociale. Un total de 358 participants ont rempli le questionnaire, dont 58,4 % de femmes, les âges étant compris entre 18 et 72 ans. Le MERS-CoV n’a été diagnostiqué chez aucun patient. Plus de la moitié (57,7 %) a rapporté un score d’anxiété modéré en se basant sur une échelle visuelle analogue. Le niveau d’anxiété était associé de façon significative à une perception augmentée de sensibilité à l’infection et au phénomène d’éviction sociale lié à la possibilité de voyager ou de se rendre dans les lieux publics.

1College of Medicine, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 2King Saud bin AbdulAziz University for Health Sciences, King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, Infection Prevention and Control, King AbdulAziz Medical City, Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 3Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Menoufia, Egypt. (Correspondence to: F.M. Farahat: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )

Received: 31/10/15; accepted: 03/08/16


A Middle East respiratory syndrome caused by a novel corona virus (MERS-CoV) was first detected in Saudi Arabia in June 2012. The number of cases increased to a peak in April and May 2014 (1,2). The total number of reported cases up to June 2014 was 714, with a case fatality rate of 40.8% (1). Another peak occurred in 2015, however, with fewer cases (440 to end of December 2015) (1).

Most patients with MERS-CoV infection were severely ill with pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome, and some had acute kidney injury (3). Up to June 2014 the mode of transmission was uncertain but was thought to be through direct (droplet) or indirect (touching contaminated surfaces) contact (4).

Unconfirmed beliefs about modes of transmission and doubts regarding the adequacy of national preparedness influence public compliance with precautionary measures and have been associated with avoidance behaviours and increased psychological distress (5,6). Avoidance behaviours and anxiety symptoms were experienced during the human avian influenza outbreaks and the SARS epidemic (7–9). During the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, anxiety was associated with high perceived susceptibility to infection and disease severity that influenced hygiene measures (5) or led to social distancing, rather than substantial changes in hygiene behaviour (10).

People are more compliant if they believe they may be affected by the outbreak (11,12), the recommended behaviours are effective (13), the illness has severe consequences (14) or is difficult to treat (15) and there is sufficient information on controlling the spread of infection (16).

Knowledge of psychobehavioural responses among the general public during epidemics could determine risk communication and public health interventions (10,17).

A study conducted on healthcare workers in a tertiary care hospital in Jeddah during the 2014 MERS CoV outbreak reported emotional distress and reluctance to work overtime in despite their feelings of ethical and professional obligation towards their profession (18). During the 2014 emergence of MERS-CoV, other generally observed public responses (e.g. avoiding crowded places and hospitals, wearing face masks in mosques and public areas and changing travel plans) have not yet been explored.

Accordingly, our study aims to address psychobehavioural responses in terms of psychological distress/anxiety and avoidance behaviours associated with MERS CoV occurrence among the Saudi population in Jeddah, western Saudi Arabia, where the majority of cases were reported during the 2014 outbreak.


We carried out a cross-sectional study in June 2014 in 2 shopping centres in Jeddah, western Saudi Arabia. These centres were selected by a simple random sampling technique from a list of 12 large shopping malls which people visit for shopping, recreation and to meet friends.

Study participants were selected using a convenience sampling technique among people who were sitting in the open dining areas from 17.00–22.00 hours during the study period (16–26 June 2014). Study participants included male and female adult (> 18 years) Saudi Arabian and non-Saudi Arabian people residents of Jeddah during the 2014 MERS-CoV outbreak.

Verbal consent was obtained from each participant to voluntarily participate in the study. The purpose of the study, procedures, risks, benefits and alternatives to participation were explained to each potential participant. Each potential participant was afforded sufficient time to ask questions and consider whether or not to participate in the study and complete the questionnaire.

Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire developed based on similar previous studies conducted in China and Hong Kong during the H7N9 and H1N1 epidemics (10,19). The questionnaire included data on sociodemographic characteristics of the participants, avoidance responses, use of protective measures, perceptions and overall knowledge about the 2014 MERS-CoV outbreak. Knowledge was assessed through 7 questions on mode of transmission, clinical features, severity, prevention and availability of a vaccine. One point was given for every correct response and zero for an incorrect response. Those who scored ≥ 4 out of 7 (> 50% correct) were considered as having average/high knowledge.

The questionnaire was pretested for face and content validity, length and comprehensibility. Face validity was established by expert opinion. The pretest was conducted on 10 volunteer participants (5 male and 5 female) randomly selected from the same location. After pretesting, no changes were required. A 5-point Likert response scale was applied and the average time for completion was about 10 minutes.

A 10 cm horizontal line visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to assess level of anxiety among the study population (20–21). At the left edge zero = not at all anxious, and at the right edge 10 = extreme anxiety. Each participant marked the point on the line that they felt represented their level of anxiety towards the MERS CoV infection. The distance from the left edge to the mark was measured to the nearest mm and used in analyses as the participant anxiety score (21,22). The VAS is a valid, reliable, simple to administer tool that has been used successfully for assessing a variety of health outcomes including pain (23), quality of life (24), mood (25) and anxiety (21,22).

All questionnaires were anonymous. Approval of the Institutional Research Board of King Abdullah International Medical Research Center was obtained to conduct the study.

Sample size was estimated assuming 25% prevalence of anxiety related to the emergence of MERS CoV in Jeddah based on a similar study by Rubin et al. during the swine influenza outbreak (26). At 95% confidence interval, 5% margin of error, 285 was estimated as the sample size. This was increased to 400 to compensate for incomplete questionnaires or non-response.

Statistical analysis

Data were analysed using SPSS, version 21. The Mann–Whitney and Kruskal–Wallis tests were applied to compare anxiety scores in different groups. Associations between independent variables and anxiety were assessed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis, with calculation of odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Anxiety score was used as a binary variable (≥ 5 vs < 5) in the regression analysis. Only those variables which were statistically significant in the crude analysis were introduced in the final model. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.


A total of 400 participants of about 420 approached agreed to complete the questionnaire. Questionnaires that were returned blank or with the majority of the questions unanswered, including those which were not marked on the anxiety VAS, were excluded: a total of 358 questionnaires were analysed. Demographic characteristics can be seen on Table 1. More than half of the participants were female (210, 58.7%). Age ranged between 18 and 72 years. The majority of the participants were Saudi Arabian (259, 72.3%). About three-quarters reported feeling satisfied about their general health condition.

None of the participants had been diagnosed with MERS-CoV. Around one-fifth of them (73, 20.4%) knew of a confirmed case of MERS-CoV (Table 1), of whom 87.7% (n = 64) had been admitted at hospital and 74.0% (n = 54) had died. When asked about the probability of being infected with MERS CoV, 58.6% perceived the probability of infecton as unlikely compared with 27.2% who percieved it as likely and 13.8% as very likely (Table 1).

More than half the participants (57.7%) reported anxiety level score of ≥ 5 (study sample median) on a 10 cm VAS [mean anxiety score 4.94, standard deviation (SD) 2.29].

Univariate logistic regression showed that married people, those who were not satisfied with their health status and those who perceived they had a greater probability of being infected were at greater risk of anxiety compared with their counterparts [odds ratio (OR) = 1.57, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.02–2.40; OR = 1.87, 95% CI: 1.13–3.09; OR = 3.07, 95% CI: 1.94–4.86 respectively] (Table 1). In the multivariate regression analysis, only perception of personal health status and perception of greater probability of being infected were significant predictors of anxiety during the 2014 outbreak (OR = 2.49, 95% CI: 1.31, 4.75; OR = 3.25, 95% CI: 1.86, 5.70 respectively) (Table 1).

Level of anxiety was significantly associated with several avoiding behaviours, including changing plans for performing Umrah, postponing domestic or international travel, avoiding eating outside the home and avoiding visiting hospitals and public places (P < 0.05) (Table 2). Analysis was done among those who responded they had plans for Umrah or travel.

Mean anxiety level was significantly associated with hand washing after coughing or sneezing (P = 0.013) and wearing a face mask (P = 0.002) (Table 3).

The main information source for MERS-CoV was television (TV) (50.7%) followed by WhatsApp messenger (32.9%) and the Ministry of Health website (30.8%) (Table 4).


None of the participants in the current study had ever been diagnosed with MERS-CoV but some knew confirmed cases, of whom the majority had died. A moderate level of anxiety was reported among almost half of the participants. However, overall of knowledge about the mode of transmission of MERS-CoV, clinical manifestations and prevention was modest.

Prevalence of anxiety about MERS-CoV in our study was higher (57.7% scored 5 or more on 10 centimeter VAS) compared with the findings of Rubin et al. where 23.8% scored ≥ 12 out of 24 on the 6-item State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), suggesting anxiety about swine influenza (26). The higher prevalence of anxiety in our study could be attributed to lack of communication and information about mode of transmission and sources of infection and the unique location of Jeddah, very close to Mecca, where there is increased concern about spread of infection among pilgrims.

Anxiety was associated with perception of increased susceptibility to infection, in concordance with Cowling et al. (10), as well as satisfaction with general health status.

Only 13.8% of our participants perceived themselves as very likely to acquire MERS-CoV, similar to the findings of Lau et al., who reported that 10% of participants considered themselves to have a high or very high chance of contracting influenza A/H1N1 during the prepandemic period (27).

The most common source for information on the disease in this study was TV, which is consistent with previous studies during other influenza epidemics. Akan et al. found the majority of the university students in their study (89%) had received information from the mass media (TV) (28). Also, TV was the major source of information (38.6%) in a study carried out in India during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic (5). This finding is important as it demonstrates that mass media (specifically TV) continues as a major source of health information, contrary to the expected shift towards internet sources and other smart mobile applications. An interesting observation in our study was related to the use of new applications (e.g. WhatsApp) and short message services (SMS) as important sources for public awareness. Considering how widespread the use of these applications is among the study population, they might lead to increased public panic because of rumors and incorrect or insufficient information. Trust in information is an essential element in risk perception (29) and behaviour change (30). During the early stages of an epidemic, and in particular with new emerging infectious diseases like MERS CoV, people seek information from different sources (internet, social media, peers, etc.) if official public health advice is lacking or inadequate (31,32). Health authorities should respond promptly with clear, evidence-based public health information in order to maximize trust and ensure public compliance with preventive behaviours (33).

Awe found that nxiety was associated with several avoidance behaviours and precautions, especially relating to travel or being in public places. This was in consistence with Cowling et al. during the 2009 influenza H1N1 pandemic (10) and other studies of previous epidemics where a positive correlation between level of anxiety and hygiene measures (28,34,35) and wearing face masks (36) has been reported. However, adherence to health protective behaviours (e.g., hand washing, wearing face masks and social distancing) varies with perceived health threats and effectiveness and the demographic characteristics of the population (25,31,37).

Limitations of this study include timing of data collection in June 2014 where the outbreak in Jeddah was declining, the cross-sectional nature of the design with an inability to infer causal pathways and the sampling methods, which may preclude generalization to all inhabitants in Jeddah.

In conclusion, the current study showed a moderate level of anxiety and modest knowledge among participants. Level of anxiety was associated with several avoidance behaviours related to the domestic and international travel and being in public places. Wearing face masks and washing hands after cough or sneeze were associated with increased level of anxiety. Traditional sources of information (e.g. TV) continue to have great impact on the population knowledge. However, new applications (e.g. WhatsApp) and short message services (SMS) are important sources for public awareness.

During such outbreaks providing immediate evidence-based information to the public using both traditional media (e.g. TV) and new communications software/applications may be useful in controlling anxiety and associated psychobehavioural responses. Health authorities shouldbe encouraged to take the lead in informing the public about proper prevention and control measures rather than abandoning the stage to the spread of rumors through social media.


This research was conducted during the Research Summer School 2014 in King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The authors would like to thank the participants for their cooperation and the shopping centre administrators for facilitating data collection. Special thanks to AM Khalil, A Samman, A Azab, S Shaikhoon, R Alwasiah AS Reda and B Al-wasyah, who helped in data collection.

Funding: None.

Competing interests: None declared.


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