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EVIPNet was launched in 2005 by WHO, in response to the resolution ‘WHA58.34 Ministerial Summit on Health Research, which urged Member States “to establish mechanisms to transfer knowledge in support of evidence-based public health and health-care delivery systems, and evidence-based health-related policies”.

EVIPNet is a social and collaborative network that promotes the systematic use of health research evidence in policy-making. Focusing on low and middle-income countries, EVIPNet promotes partnerships between policy-makers, researchers and civil society in order to facilitate both policy development and policy implementation through the use of the most reliable scientific evidence available. EVIPNet comprises networks that bring together country-level teams, which are coordinated at both regional and global levels.

At the country level, EVIPNet serves as a forum that brings together researchers, policy-makers, and civil society to improve policy-making. The partnership is focused on facilitating the use of high quality research for health evidence.

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