Malaria control and elimination | News | In focus | T3: Test, Treat, Track – scaling up diagnostic testing, treatment and surveillance for malaria

T3: Test, Treat, Track – scaling up diagnostic testing, treatment and surveillance for malaria

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Logo of the WHO Global Malaria Programme’s new initiative – T3: Test. Treat. Track.One of the biggest challenges facing the priority malaria-endemic countries of the Region is the limited coverage and poor quality of diagnostic testing, treatment and surveillance systems, which are the pillars of the existing global strategy to fight malaria.One of the biggest challenges facing the priority endemic countries of the Region is the limited coverage and poor quality of diagnostic testing, treatment and surveillance systems, which are the pillars of the existing global strategy to fight malaria.

The scale-up has not received the same degree of attention accorded to preventive measures, especially long-lasting insecticidal nets. Only one third of regional cases are confirmed by parasitological testing. The malaria surveillance system is weak and it is not possible to make reliable conclusions, based on the reported cases, about the impact of the interventions on the reduction in the burden in priority high-burden countries

High-burden countries have not reached the target coverage or the level of quality required for malaria treatment in the public and private sector. In this regard, the new WHO Global Malaria Programme’s Initiative – T3: Test, Treat and Track, will be the focus of the joint work of the malaria control and elimination programme and malaria control programmes, particularly in priority high-burden countries in the coming years to ensure accurate diagnosis and quality care for every case, rational use of antimalarial medicines and correct recording of cases in malaria surveillance systems.

Related link

Test, Treat, Track: Scaling up diagnostic testing, treatment and surveillance for malaria [brochure, pdf 752kb]French | Arabic

Information resources

Malaria threats map

Statistics and figures

In the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region:

291 million people at risk for malaria in 2015 111 million at high risk

Estimated malaria case incidence decreased by 11% between 2010  and 2015

Estimated malaria mortality rate reduced by 6% between 2010 and 2015