About the programme

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Human Resources for Health (HRH) are widely recognized as the key element for scaling up health interventions to achieve national goals and health-related targets of the Millennium Development Goals. 

Precisely defining and describing human resources for health can help to identify opportunities and constraints for scaling up health interventions and improving the quality of health care services. 

The need for better data and information to inform policy development has led to the creation of Human Resources for Health Observatory in the Region. The Observatory collects and analyses data on health workforce for more rational approaches to their development.

Main objectives

collect and synthesize data on the health workforce and health care labour market in the country or Region;

track and assess the dynamics of the workforce and the labour market to identify changes and trends relevant to policy-making and planning;

improve the evidence base by conducting new research, policy mapping and analysis, evaluating interventions, forecasting exercises to identify future needs, study the satisfaction and expectations of health workers, cost–policy options, and carry out comparative studies (between occupational groups, subnationally and internationally);

support, inform and direct policy and planning by identifying policy options; assessing the feasibility of interventions; planning scenarios; disseminating international good practices; and preparing policy briefs;

improve and strengthen the capacity and understanding of senior policy-makers and planners, technical staff and HRH managers of HRH issues;

advocate and facilitate policy dialogue between stakeholders. 

Related links

Evidence-informed human resources for health policies: the contribution of HRH observatories, Lisbon 4–7 July 2011 [pdf 156kb]

Health professions education directory

Health professions education directoryThe directory is meant to be a tool for all institutes, professionals, students, communities and other organizations interested in the process of educating health professionals in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. 

View the directory

Statistics and figures

Density of health workforce in the Region per 1000 in 2011

Physicians 1.2

Nurses 1.8

Dentists 0.3

Pharmacists 0.5