Useful links

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WHO regional offices

Regional Office for Africa: Blood safety, laboratories, and health technology

Regional Office for the Americas: Medicines and health technologies

Regional Office for Europe: Health technologies

Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean

Regional Office for South-East Asia: Health technology and patient safety

Regional Office for the Western Pacific: Health technology and laboratory

UN organizations

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Human health

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safety standards

UNICEF Supply division

UNICEF Innovation

World Bank Health, nutrition, and population

Quality and safety

Asian Harmonization Working Party

Global Harmonization Task Force

International Electrotechnical Commission

International Organization for Standardisation

United States Food and Drug Administration  

Health technology assessment


Health Technology Assessment International

International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment

HTA glossary 

Training resources

Engineering World Health

Open Learn Labspace health technology management course

Open Courseware Consortium

MIT Open Courseware 

Management and use

American College of Clinical Engineering

Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation

Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology

'How to Manage' series of health care technology guides

HUMATEM - La Banque de Matériel Médical pour la Solidarité Internationale – French

International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering

Journal of Clinical Engineering

Other links

American College of Clinical Engineering

Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation

Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology

'How to Manage' series of health care technology guides

HUMATEM - La Banque de Matériel Médical pour la Solidarité Internationale – French

International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering

Journal of Clinical Engineering

Statistics and figures

Selected results of the baseline country survey 2010

24% use a nomenclature system for medical devices

9.5% do not have national standards or recommended lists of medical devices

14% have a health technology national policy

4.7% have a national list of approved medical devices for procurement or reimbursement