Health and biomedical devices | Events and meetings | Third meeting of the WHO technical advisory group on health technology

Third meeting of the WHO technical advisory group on health technology

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The third meeting of the WHO technical advisory group on Health Technology took place in Cairo from 20 to 22, June 2010. The meeting:

identified the key components of an action plan for the implementation of national essential health technology programmes and measurement of the progress of the programme adoption;

identified resources currently available, including, but not limited to, tools developed by experts that might support effective implementation;

developed a prototype tool to assist in identifying gaps in needs; and

revised different reference documents resulting from the global initiative on health technology activities and baseline country survey on medical devices.

The meeting outcomes together with the results of the baseline country survey and the tools developed by previous expert sessions will be disseminated at the second global forum on medical devices.

Statistics and figures

Selected results of the baseline country survey 2010

24% use a nomenclature system for medical devices

9.5% do not have national standards or recommended lists of medical devices

14% have a health technology national policy

4.7% have a national list of approved medical devices for procurement or reimbursement