Educational development and training

A group of trainees sitting at a u-shaped table while receiving training The Regional Office supports countries to improve the quality and relevance of their health workforce.  Photo credit: WHOA skilled health workforce is necessary for the attainment of national health goals. A competent and committed health workforce plays a pivotal role in the efficient functioning of a health care system. To bring about the intended qualitative benefits from a health care system, there is a need to provide a competent health workforce with an appropriate skills mix.

The educational development and training programme of the Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean supports countries of the Region to strengthen national human resources for health capacity and align the education of health workers with population health needs.

WHO fellowships


The public health course at the medical college of Cairo University is based on traditional lectures. Large enrollment numbers limit students’ discussions and interactions with instructors. This study aimed to...

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Competency-based education provides a useful alternative to time-based models for preparing health professionals and constructing educational programmes. This article argues that because competency-based education begins with a careful consideration of...

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In focus

The HRH global resource center eLearning platform offers free courses developed by technical experts in the fields of human resources for health, health informatics and health service delivery to build the capacity of...

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The regional consultation on accreditation of health professions education in the Eastern Mediterranean Region was held in Tunisia from 22 to 25 November 2011. The objectives of the consultation were...

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