Violence, injuries and disability | About the programme | Road safety | Data from the Eastern Mediterranean Region

The following tables provide regional road safety data extracted from the statistical annexes of the Global status report on road safety 2013. Each table gives the detailed data of a specific topic by country/area.

Road traffic deaths and proportion of deaths by road user, by country area[pdf, 46 kb]

Post-crash response by country/area[pdf, 24 kb]

Drinking and driving laws, enforcement and road traffic deaths attributed to alcohol by country/area[pdf, 25 kb]

Helmet laws, enforcement and wearing rates by country/area [pdf, 25 kb]

Seat-belt and child restraint laws, enforcement and wearing rates by country/area [pdf, 25 kb]

Mobile phone laws by country/area [pdf, 20 kb]

Road safety management, strategies and targets by country/area [pdf, 36 kb]

Safer mobility by country/area  [pdf, 43 kb]