Volume 19, Supplement 3 (Online)



Vitamin D status of type 2 diabetic patients compared with healthy subjects in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Risk factors of gestational diabetes mellitus in the refugee population in Gaza Strip: a case–control study

التهاب محفظة الكتف اللاصق: معدل الانتشار بين السكريين من النمط 2 في دمشق، سورية : دراسة حالة – شاهد

Dual addictions, parallel treatments: nicotine replacement therapy for patients receiving methadone treatment in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Le tabagisme chez les étudiants de médecine dentaire à Monastir (Tunisie)

The effectiveness of education using the health belief model in preventing osteoporosis among female students

جداول  الحياة الإقصائية للأورام السرطانية وأثرها على مأمو ل الحياة عند الميلاد فى الكويت

أنماط سرطانات الرأس والعنق لدى عينة من السكان في سورية: دراسة إستعدادية تستند الى المستشفيات

Relationship between air pollution and pre-eclampsia in pregnant women: a case–control study

The trend of caesarean delivery in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Toxoplasma seroepidemiology in women who intend to marry in Jahrom, Islamic Republic of Iran

Prevalence of congenital eye anomalies in a paediatric clinic in Ghana

Epidemiological profile of individuals with American cutaneous leishmaniasis in Jequitinhonha Valley, Brazil

Body mass index changes during highly active antiretroviral therapy in Nigeria

Impact of Interleukin-28B gene polymorphism (rs12979860) on Egyptian patients infected with hepatitis C virus genotype-4

Prevalence of type b Haemophilus influenzae and antibiotic resistance in 52 clinical isolates in north Lebanon

Suicide and attempted suicide trends in Mianwali, Pakistan: social perspective

The relationship between playing computer or video games with mental health and social relationships among students

دراسة استطلاعية لبرنامج معرفي سلوكي لتحسين التوافق النفسى و الإجتماعى لدى مرضى التهاب الكبد سى

Efficacy of selected treadmill training programme on oxidative stress in adolescents with Down syndrome

الحوادث المنزلية وأسباب وقوعها في الضفة الغربية وقطاع عزة من فلسطين

Road traffic crashes in Ramadan: an observational study

Problems of management of medical solid waste at primary health care centres in the Palestinian Territory and their remedial measures

Prime costs of clinical laboratory services in Tehran Valiasr Hospital in 2009

Postmarketing pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic equivalence of generic and brand atenolol in Egypt

Senior dental student’s attitudes toward older adults and knowledge of geriatric dental care in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Classification of bifid mandibular canals in the Syrian population using panoramic radiographs

Recombinant activated factor VII as treatment for intractable haemorrhage

Medical management of abdominal hydatid cyst in a teaching hospital in Eastern Libya: treatment and outcome in 16 cases, 2004–2010

Nelaton catheter assisted versus standard nasogastric tube insertion: a randomized, clinical trial

النبضان الشرياني باعتباره دليلاً على اعتلال الأوعية الدماغية الدقيقة لدى المصابين بالسكرى من النمط 2

Domestic violence and consanguineous marriages – perspective from Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Le choriocarcinome gestationnel à l’hôpital Ibn Rochd de Casablanca, 2004-2010

Spatial distribution of health facilities in Islamabad, Pakistan

A rare case of primary multiple hydatid cysts of the brain in a 10-year-old child

Hydatid cyst of the right atrium wall

Left hemitruncus: a rare congenital heart condition

Low bifurcation of the common carotid arteries: an anatomical and radiological study