
Health emergencies update, 12-18 May 2017

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Regional and country news

WHO support strengthens services for people with war-related injuries in Syria



Saving lives through support for trauma care in Kunduz, Afghanistan



WHO calls for immediate action to save lives of people on the brink of famine in Somalia


More news

Humanitarian updates

Funding for emergencies

WHO Syria donor update Q 1 2017 (published on 15 May)


Joint health/WASH situation report on the cholera outbreak in Yemen, 9-14 May 2017 (published on 15 May)


WHO monthly report on Gaza referrals and access – March 2017 (published on 17 May)


WHO monthly report on emergency humanitarian action in Afghanistan – April 2017 (published on 17 May)


Libya releases findings of health Service Availability and Readiness Assessment survey


Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq on alarming numbers of people fleeing western Mosul city


Soaring temperatures pose new threat to Mosul’s displaced (UN News Centre)


WHO statement on Ebola in DRC


New WHO website:  Food insecurity and famine



78% funding gap for WHO

US$ 94 million received out of US$ 427 required in nine appeals for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (as of 17 May 2017)


New contributions this week:

Syria Response Plan
Syria Refugee Response Plan
Yemen Response Plan
Republic of Korea


WHO Health Emergencies Programme, Eastern Mediterranean Region


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