Egypt | Programme areas | Community-based initiatives

Community-based initiatives

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Community-based initiatives are an integrated bottom-up approach to socioeconomic development, including health, aiming at achieving a better quality of life for communities.

The initiatives address integrated socioeconomic development and the social determinants of health through community empowerment and intersectoral coordination. They are self-sustained and people-focused, address the diverse basic needs of the community and recognize health as a key element of social cohesion.

The community-based initiatives programme was introduced in Egypt in 1999. The programme was initially implemented in in Nagea El Arab in Alexandria in 1999, Ezbet Kamal Ramzy El Marg in Cairo in 2001, Batn El Baqara and El Fawakhir in 2004, and Shak El Teban in 2007. In 2010 and 2011, implementation started in Kafr Hakim and Gezirat El Warak in Giza governorate, Ezbet Khairallah in Cairo governorate and Meet Hawi in Gharbia governorate. 

The programme covers a population of 300 000 inhabitants and supports a range of activities including health, literacy and vocational training for women.

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Regional community-based initiatives programme