Afghanistan | News | In focus | Situation report, April 2019

Situation report, April 2019

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WHE_thumbnailSituation update

  • In April 2019, 20 521 people fled their homes due to conflict bringing the total number of internally displaced persons in 2019 to 115 467 people.
  • The flood season in Afghanistan primarily runs between March and June due to snow melt and rain. According to iMMAP analysis, 190 789 households (1 335 00 people) are living in areas that are vulnerable to flood impact. As of April 2019, floods affected over 203 873 people across 16 provinces resulting in 95 deaths and over 189 000 people in need of humanitarian support. There are serious concerns about increasing food insecurity, malnutrition and the spread of communicable diseases, including acute watery diarrhoea/cholera, if the needs of flood-affected families are not addressed in a timely manner.
  • 14 health teams were deployed on April 7 to investigate measles cases and review the status of measles vaccination among the IDP population in Herat.
  • Based on projections, there is a funding gap of US$ 1 million for health humanitarian support in 2019.
  • Humanitarian support for Badgis IDPS will end by June 2019, but limited health services, with a focus on scaling-up permanent facilities (basic package of healh services) rather than mobile teams. There will be provision of malnutrition screening and treatment with a focus on fixed health facilities.
  • During the month of April 2019 total 570 families of Pakistan north Waziristan refugees were displaced from Laman area Bermal district of Paktika province to Gulan refugees camp of Khost province.
  • In the first 4 months of 2019, 47 attacks on healthcare were reported resulting in the closure of 98 health facilities, where only 27 of them re-opened. 13 health care workers and patients have been killed and 13 others injured.

Read April's update