Health education and promotion | Events and meetings | Consultation to enhance the role of civil society organizations in health in the sustainable development goals agenda

Consultation to enhance the role of civil society organizations in health in the sustainable development goals agenda

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The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean and League of Arab States held a joint regional consultation from 23 to 24 August in Cairo, Egypt, bringing together representatives of the main civil society organizations in the Region dealing with health and its determinants to act as a “think tank” in suggesting potential roles that these organizations could play, as well as conditions and mechanisms for collaboration and accountability.

The key objectives of the meeting were to:

  • raise awareness about the SDGs and the agenda of health priorities in the Region;
  • agree on ways to enhance collaboration with civil society organizations in advancing the health agenda in the SDGs; and
  • identify potential roles that these organizations could play in implementing the SDGs.

Participants included representatives of well established civil society organizations from the Region working in the areas of social development and health. 

Related links

Summary report on the Joint WHO and League of Arab States regional consultation to enhance the role of civil society organizations in the health and sustainable development agenda in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Cairo, Egypt, 23–24 August 2015

League of Arab States

Consensus reached on new sustainable development agenda to be adopted by world leaders in September
August 2015