Global health initiatives PDF Print

global_health_initiatives_introUniversal access to health is the guiding principle and health equity among nations and for all people is the major objective of global health. Global health initiatives were established to tackle increasing global health threats, reduce disparities within communities and between nations and contribute to a world where people live healthier, safer and longer lives.The global health initiatives collaborative work in the Region covers several areas: AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, immunization programmes, maternal and child health, tobacco use, human resources, emerging diseases, nutrition, health promotion and health system strengthening.

The Global Fund and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance are the main institutions that provide substantial funding to eligible countries in the Region. Seven countries – Afghanistan, Djibouti, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen – are eligible for Gavi support on immunization and health system strengthening, and 12 are eligible for Global Fund grants, including the seven supported by Gavi.

Protracted social and political unrest in most grant-recipient countries continues to be a major challenge. Insecurity in many places hampers access to social services with the health sector being the worst affected, and the loss of human capital has severely weakened health services and systems in affected countries. Furthermore, global health initiatives have created parallel systems that undermine the holistic approach for health system development, and the principles of external aid, such as ownership and harmonization, are not adequately applied.

Multimedia PDF Print


WHO videos on universal health coverage

10 facts on universal health coverage
May 2012

Information resources PDF Print


Information resources PDF Print

Meeting reports

Summary report on the Intercountry meeting on Good Governance for Medicines for Phase II countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 25–27 October 2016

Summary report on the Intercountry meeting on controlled medicines Cairo, Egypt, 17–19 May 2016

Summary report on the Regional meeting on strengthening pharmacovigilance systems, Rabat, Morocco, 7–10 September 2015

Summary report on the Intercountry meeting on Good Governance for Medicines for phase I countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Amman, Jordan, 16–19 August 2015

Summary report on the Intercountry meeting on Good Governance for Medicines – Phase II Muscat, Oman 22–25 September 2014 

Country profiles

Development of country profiles and monitoring of the pharmaceutical situation in countries


WHO Model List Essential Medicines 20th List (March 2017, amended August 2017)

WHO Model List of Essential Medicines for Children 6th List (March 2017, amended August 2017)

Information resources PDF Print

Peer-reviewed articles

Early Warning Disease Surveillance After a Flood Emergency-pakistan, 2010

Sabatinelli G, Kakar SR, Khan MR, Malik MR, et al

Full text

Technical guidance

WHO guidelines for EWARN implementation

Early Warning Alert And Response Network in emergencies: evaluation protocol

Epidemiological Data Analysis for EWARN - A Quick Reference Handbook


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