
Head of Office (Acting WHO Representative)

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A photo of Dr Abdi Aden MohamedDr Abdi Aden Mohamed is currently Acting WHO Representative in South Sudan. Dr Abdi has served as Head of the WHO office in Juba since 2009.

Dr Abdi qualified as a medical doctor from the Faculty of Medicine, Somali National University, Mogadishu, Somalia and obtained a specialization in paediatrics there. He holds a Master’s of Science in Paediatric Epidemiology from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.

Dr Abdi started his career in 1978 as Assistant Professor of Medicine and Paediatrics at the Somali National University, Faculty of Medicine, later becoming Professor of Medicine and Paediatrics.

He was appointed Ethiopian Deputy-Minister of Health in 1991, a position he held for three years.

Dr Abdi joined WHO in 2004 as Head of WHO sub-office in Al Geneina, West Dafur, Sudan. In 2007, he was assigned to Nyala, South Dafur, as Acting WHO Darfur Programme Coordinator and later as Head of the WHO sub-office there.