About the programme

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Nursing and allied health personnel are a vital resource for attaining health and development targets. They form the backbone of health systems around the globe and provide a platform for efforts to tackle the diseases that cause poverty and ill-health.

The work on nursing and midwifery in the Region is directed towards:

improving basic nursing and allied health education and establishing specialty nursing programmes including preparation for the advanced practice role;

ensuring development and retention of the nursing and midwifery workforce;

providing a regulatory framework for nursing, midwifery and allied health education, and practice;

expanding continuing education activities;

strengthening nurses’ involvement in policy-making;

building management and leadership capacity of nurses, midwives, and allied health personnel;

institutionalizing quality improvement programmes in nursing and midwifery to ensure provision of safe and effective nursing and midwifery services;

developing nursing research programs and advocating evidence-based nursing practice;

infection prevention and control.

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Human resources for health

Education development and training