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WHO in Iraq


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13 May 2024

On Their Special Day, Iraq’s Nurses Celebrate Their Dedication and heroic humanitarian Contributions

13 May 2024, Baghdad, Iraq – On 12 May every year, we celebrate the remarkable contributions of nurses in Iraq and worldwide. Among them is Mushtaq Najm Addin, a paediatric nurse at Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Centre at Childre’s Welfare Teaching Hospital, Medical City, Baghdad. Mushtaq lives in a small district about 30 km south of Baghdad. His early mornings involve a 2-hour commute to work, often on crowded roads and with occasional traffic jams. Despite these difficulties, he arrives at the hospital each day with a beaming smile, ready to...

07 April 2024

HeRAMS transforms health care management in Iraq

7 April 2024, Baghdad, Iraq – The Health Resources and Services Availability Monitoring System (HeRAMS) initiative has digitized health care management in Iraq and made vital information accessible for planning and decision-making purposes. The project was launched in January 2022 to ensure availability of information about essential health resources and services for decision-makers at all levels. Completion of -building and data collection by mid-June 2024 will provide a comprehensive dataset on essential health resources and services provision. This can facilitate evidence-based decision-making to achieve health equity and ensure equal access to...

24 March 2024

Yes! We can end TB!

24 March 2024, Baghdad, Iraq – Today, Iraq celebrates its remarkable success in tuberculosis (TB) control, which reflects the transformative impact of international collaboration and innovation. Iraq has made significant steps in the fight against TB through its partnerships with the National TB Program (NTP), WHO, International Organization for Migration, Iraqi Anti-TB Association and others. From 2013 to 2023, Iraq saw a dramatic decline in TB incidence, falling from 45 to 23 cases per 100 000 people. This achievement has propelled Iraq into the ranks of low-burden countries for TB, reflecting the...

07 March 2024

WHO and Ministry of Health digitize information vital for a healthier Iraq

7 March 2024, Baghdad, Iraq – WHO, in partnership with Iraq’s federal and Kurdistan regional health ministries, today concluded the launch of Phase II of the Health Resources and Services Availability Monitoring System (HeRAMS) project revision workshops. This launch, devised as a series of 3 workshops spanning a couple of days each, engaged over 150 data collectors from across nearly all of Iraq’s directorates of health. The main aim was to provide them with a chance to review and update the HeRAMS paper and electronic formats, address Phase I issues, and...

06 March 2024

Strengthening event-based surveillance systems: a success story from Iraq

6 March 2024 – Rapid identification of health threats is vital for an effective response, especially in regions facing challenges like COVID-19, conflicts, floods and outbreaks. Given this urgency, the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean actively supports countries and territories to establish robust event-based surveillance (EBS) systems. This is an integral part of the regional strategy for integrated disease surveillance. EBS sets out to systematically collect, monitor, assess and interpret mainly unstructured, ad hoc information about health events. In January 2024, the pilot phase of EBS was launched in Iraq,...

22 January 2024

Emergency health care boosted across Iraq in 2023

22 January 2024, Baghdad, Iraq – WHO Iraq ended 2023 having boosted the crucial life-saving skills of medical and health staff in emergency units through the rollout of the Basic Emergency Care (BEC) course. This year-long initiative has strengthened the provision of emergency health care across Iraq. In January 2023, WHO Iraq, working with the Ministry of Health – at the central and Kurdistan regional levels – organized a series of 17 BEC training workshops. These strategically planned trainings were held across Iraq throughout 2023, reaching 277 front-line medical and health...

21 December 2023

Medical oxygen scale-up boosts Iraq’s health care capacities

21 December 2023, Erbil, Iraq – “Oxygen is a life-saving essential medicine with no substitute,” said Dr Wael Hatahit, WHO Health Emergencies Team Lead, explaining the drive behind a recent 3-day workshop on medical oxygen scale-up. “This profound view stems from the recognition that securing affordable and sustainable access to oxygen is paramount for health facilities, particularly in light of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic,” he added, underlining the event’s significance to Iraq’s health system. WHO arranged the workshop in collaboration with the federal Ministry of Health and Ministry of...

19 December 2023

WHO tackles low immunization challenges in Iraq

19 December 2023, Erbil, Iraq – Iraq has seen routine immunization coverage fluctuate in 2023, and there has also been a very low uptake of COVID-19 vaccination. To assess the immunization landscape in Iraq, the WHO Country Office in Iraq ran a 4-day Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) bottleneck analysis workshop. The workshop sought to explore how well immunization targets had been achieved at various administrative levels, from service points to central level. The event was organized in partnership with the federal Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health in the Kurdistan...

27 November 2023

Environmental surveillance network training: WHO Iraq and federal ministries collaborate to ensure a polio-free Iraq

26 November 2023, Baghdad, Iraq – WHO in Iraq, in close collaboration with Iraq’s Ministry of Health (MOH) and Ministry of Environment (MOE), has concluded a successful 4-day training programme on the environmental surveillance network for poliovirus monitoring and detection. This initiative plays a crucial role in the ongoing commitment to maintain a polio-free Iraq. The training programme centred on environmental sampling, involving the monthly collection of wastewater samples from designated sites in high-risk areas. These samples will be routinely sent to the Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL) to be tested...

19 November 2023

WHO Iraq’s Supply Chain team shines in warehouse management system implementation

20 November 2023, Baghdad, Iraq – WHO Iraq has achieved a remarkable feat by being the first WHO country office globally to go live with WHO’s new warehouse management system. This Supply Chain team success story serves as a model of excellence and a source of pride. “This accomplishment highlights the exceptional supply chain infrastructure and the dedication of the qualified staff who made it possible,” said Dr Wael Hatahit, Acting WHO Representative in Iraq, hailing the team’s efforts and sharing their victory joy. Dr Rick Brennan, Regional Emergency Director for the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern...

19 November 2023

WHO and Ministry of Health join forces to combat neglected tropical diseases in Iraq

19 November 2023, Baghdad, Iraq – In the remote district of Qaem, in western Iraq near the Syrian border, a family faced the challenge of leprosy – a neglected tropical disease that often goes unnoticed. Malik (aged 42 years), his wife Huda (aged 39 years) and their 12-year-old daughter Sana* began to experience flat, red skin sores on their arms and legs. Over the course of a few months, the sores made their skin stiff and dry, leading to loss of sensation in the affected areas, which put the family at...

08 October 2023

WHO and UNHCR train refugee volunteers to tackle infectious diseases in Iraq

8 October 2023, Erbil, Iraq – In an effort to combat the spread of communicable diseases across Iraq, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) conducted a training session for 40 refugee volunteers who play a pivotal role in sharing critical information within communities of refugees and internally displaced people in Erbil. The training, done in collaboration with the Kurdistan Regional Government and its Ministry of Health, equipped the refugees with in-depth knowledge about common infectious diseases such as cholera and haemorrhagic fever. The volunteers can...

28 September 2023

WHO medical supplies arrive at Mosul to aid national health response to Al-Hamdaniya tragedy

28 September 2023, Baghdad, Iraq – WHO in Iraq expresses profound sorrow over the loss of numerous innocent lives in Al-Hamdaniya District, Nineveh governorate, Iraq. The devastating incident unfolded on the evening of Tuesday 26 September 2023 at a local banquet hall, resulting in 93 deaths and more than 100 people injured. In response to this tragic crisis, WHO has taken immediate action to support efforts by Iraq’s Ministry of Health to provide critical medical assistance to the injured. Urgent medical supplies, including comprehensive hospital supply kits, have been allocated to...

17 September 2023

Scars of resilience: the fight against leishmaniasis in Iraq

17 September 2023, Baghdad, Iraq – Cutaneous leishmaniasis, known locally as the “Baghdad boil”, has overwhelmed many parts of Iraq for decades, posing a persistent threat to its people. This disease, transmitted via sandfly bites, leaves those affected with lasting scars – a visible reminder of their suffering left on their bodies for life. By 2022, an alarming 8000 individuals in Iraq, primarily from remote rural areas, had been affected by this disease. In 2023, in an unexpected turn of events, the first case emerged in the traditionally sandfly-free governorate of...

09 September 2023

Iraq enhances emergency care system through basic training

Erbil, 7 September 2023 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan region, today concluded basic emergency care training organized to equip frontline health care providers with the essential skills required to manage acute illnesses and injuries in resource-limited settings. The training focused on improving the outcomes of emergency conditions by providing over 30 participants with the knowledge and skills needed to implement a systematic approach to initial assessments and managing time-sensitive conditions, ultimately saving lives. “As WHO and national health authorities in Iraq continue...

10 August 2023

WHO partners with USAID/BHA and EU to strengthen essential primary, referral and preventive health services in Iraq

Baghdad, 10 August 2023— The World Health Organization (WHO) continues its partnership with USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) and the EU Humanitarian Aid to strengthen essential primary, referral, and preventive healthcare services in the conflict-affected governorates of Iraq. The project which targets Anbar, Duhok, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninawa and Sulaymaniyah governorates, aims to provide uninterrupted primary healthcare services to an estimated 800,000 vulnerable people in IDP camps, out-of-camps and secondary displacement locations as well as host communities. As WHO transitions from humanitarian response to development and resilience building in the health sector, the project evolves accordingly. WHO’s focus in the years to come lies on strengthening the...

07 June 2023

WHO and Ministry of Health launch Health Resources and Services Availability Monitoring System (HeRAMS) results in Iraq

Baghdad, 7 June 2023— The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health, launched today the results of the Health Resources and Services Availability Monitoring System (HeRAMS) in Iraq, marking a significant milestone in the health digitalization of the country's health system.  HeRAMS offers comprehensive data that will revolutionize the decision-making process, drive effective and sustainable actions to improve health outcomes and foster a data-driven culture that prioritizes the use of health metrics and indicators.  The results of the system revealed that the WHO and the Ministry of Health teams managed...

24 May 2023

Erbil on 24 May 2023: “I wish I had a name, but I don’t have one yet. I still carry my mother’s name so you can call me ‘son of Nisreen’ as written on the bracelet they put on my tiny wrist. I was born on 8 April 2023 – 9 weeks before my birth due date – weighing 800 grams. Yes, just 800 grams! Previously premature babies like me with this low birth weight would not have made it this far but, apparently, I am lucky. I am lucky to be...

09 May 2023

WHO and Ministry of Health conduct joint investigation and develop response plan for meningitis outbreak in Halabjah and Sulaymaniyah

Sulaymaniyah, 9 May 2023— Following a surge in meningitis cases in Halabjah City and Sulaymaniyah governorate since mid-April 2023, an expert team from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health was deployed to the affected areas to perform a joint epidemiological investigation of the reported cases and develop a swift response plan to curb the transmission of the disease. Preliminary laboratory results from 24 collected samples showed a mixture of bacterial (streptococcus pneumonia) and viral (enterovirus) meningitis, indicating 2 responsible pathogens. Further laboratory investigations are under way for...

04 May 2023

Second round of joint external evaluation of International Health Regulations concludes in Baghdad

Baghdad, Iraq, 4 May 2023 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Iraq, concluded this week a 3-day workshop on the self-evaluation phase of the second round of joint external evaluation (JEE) of the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005).  The workshop brought together 88 participants representing various sectors, including the Ministry of Health, food safety, animal health, environmental health, points of entry and security sectors, with the aim of assessing the country's capacities to prevent, detect and rapidly respond to public health hazards, whether...

06 April 2023

WHO Representative in Iraq meets with the Iraqi Prime Minister on World Health Day and 75th anniversary of WHO

‏Baghdad, Iraq, 6 April 2023 — WHO Representative Dr Ahmed Zouiten met today in Baghdad with the Iraqi Prime Minister Mr Mohammed S. Al-Sudani on the occasion of the celebration of World Health Day, which also commemorates the 75th anniversary of the establishment of WHO on 7 April 1948.  The meeting discussed the collaboration between the Government of Iraq and WHO and the progress made in the health sector over more than 3 decades of WHO presence in Iraq.  During the meeting, the Prime Minister congratulated WHO on its 75th anniversary, emphasizing that...

23 March 2023

WHO and JICA partner to enhance IPC implementation strategy in Iraq

Baghdad, 23 March 2023 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), completed a pilot project aimed at enhancing the comprehensive COVID-19 infection prevention and control (IPC) implementation strategy in Iraq.  The project was designed to reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality in Iraq by cutting the transmission chain of COVID-19 and other diseases in health care and construction settings through enhanced IPC strategies, primarily targeting Basrah and Dhi Qar governorates.  "The project's geographical scope was limited to southern governorates, but its success paves the way...

13 March 2023

WHO enhances community first aid responders training programme

13 March 2023, Baghdad, Iraq — The World Health Organization (WHO) and Ministry of Health continue to scale up community first aid responders training of trainers programme to equip trainers with the necessary skills and knowledge to cascade training to community first responders across Iraq. The programme, which started last month, aimed at strengthening the capacity of the health system in Iraq to respond to emergencies and provide immediate life-saving interventions to communities in need. The programme targeted emergency medical doctors, nurses and paramedics from various governorates. "A few minutes may sometimes be...

12 March 2023

WHO female heroes in action: Hajar Abdul-Qader

12 March 2023 – Over the past 6 years, Hajar Abdul-Qader has played a vital role as a supply chain management assistant at WHO Iraq, contributing to the successful delivery of medical equipment across Iraq. Her efforts within the supply management chain have been instrumental in ensuring that essential medical technologies are delivered timely to those in need. With a keen eye for detail, Hajar supports the supply chain management in Iraq both during emergencies and other public health hazards. Even in the face of tremendous challenges, she worked relentlessly to ensure essential...

16 February 2023

WHO scales up implementation of infection prevention and control measures in Iraq

16 February 2023 — The World Health Organization (WHO) is working with the Ministry of Health of Iraq to enhance infection prevention and control (IPC) measures in public hospitals. This collaboration is part of the WHO strategy to curb further transmission of COVID-19 and other infectious agents inside hospitals.  The Japan International Cooperation Agency supported WHO in providing essential medical supplies and equipment to enhance the IPC measures in hospitals and conduct training workshops focusing on IPC practices and oxygen safety.  The project, valued at approximately US$ 700 000, is necessary to increase...

09 February 2023

WHO launches health digitalization initiative in Iraq

Baghdad, Iraq, 9 February 2023 — The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, inaugurated today the health digitalization programme to strengthen the health information system and produce data and information to facilitate evidence-based decision-making in the health sector. The initiative aims to achieve better health outcomes in Iraq through ensuring an appropriate allocation of health care resources, evaluating the impact of several interventions, and promoting accountability and transparency for good governance. Today's launch was the culmination of several months of preparation and advocacy for advanced digital health...

07 February 2023

Health promotion, awareness, early detection and adequate treatment: ingredients for lowering the burden of cancers and saving lives

Iraq, 7 February 2023 – Iraq celebrated yesterday The World Cancer Day and renewed its commitment to bridging the gap in cancer awareness, prevention and early detection and treatment to save lives and lower the suffering from cancers across the country. Cancers represent the second cause of death in Iraq, the Region, and the world. They have severely impacted the Iraqi society at large and the vulnerable communities in particular, especially in areas where access to equitable and sufficient health care services remains limited amid increasing social and economic risk factors.  Reflecting on...

26 January 2023

UNICEF and WHO support national multi-antigen campaign for more than 400 000 children

BAGHDAD, 26 January 2023 – UNICEF and WHO have supported the Ministry of Health of Iraq in conducting a nationwide multi-antigen vaccination campaign. The campaign reached more than 400 000 of the most vulnerable children with over one million doses of different vaccines to protect them against vaccine-preventable diseases.   The locations covered by the 10-day campaign, which concluded at the end of 2022, were based on a risk assessment carried out by the Ministry of Health, also supported by UNICEF and WHO. The campaign aimed at reaching the hardest-to-reach children previously...

23 January 2023

Dr Nagham Hasan: serving the most vulnerable during crisis in Iraq

Ninawa, 23 January 2023 – Driven by her passion for humanity and her medical expertise, Dr Nagham Hasan, a gynaecologist and Yazidi woman, adopted the responsibility of protecting the Yazidi people in Iraq. Hailing from Bashiqa Town in northwest Iraq, which saw its share of conflict during the ISIS invasion of Mosul and the surrounding region, Dr Nagham and a team of dedicated nurses and doctors worked tirelessly to provide healthcare services in spite of difficult circumstances. "The invasion of Mosul had a significant impact on thousands of women and men who...

17 January 2023

WHO and Ministry of Health initiate implementation of GBV referral guideline in Iraq

Baghdad, 17 January 2023 – The World Health Organization (WHO), together with the Ministry of Health, initiated implementation of a technical referral guideline for gender-based violence (GBV) survivors in Iraq. The guideline was developed earlier in collaboration with relevant line-ministries, organizations and other partners. "This guide is vital to ensure timely and comprehensive support is provided to survivors of violence in a dignified manner and with adequate respect for human rights," said Dr Ahmed Zouiten, WHO Representative in Iraq. "WHO reaffirms its full commitment to supporting all health-related aspects related to GBV." Gender-based...

16 January 2023

WHO provides laboratory equipment and diagnostic kits to enhance testing for viral haemorrhagic fevers in Iraq

Baghdad, 16 January 2023 — The World Health Organization (WHO) has delivered essential laboratory equipment and diagnostic kits to the Central Public Health Laboratory in Baghdad to support efforts to control the ongoing Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever outbreak and detect other viral haemorrhagic fevers. The equipment and kits, valued at approximately US$ 93 000, came as part of the WHO strategy to build the diagnostic capacity of the central laboratory in Iraq and ensure timely and reliable testing to curb and manage the eventual resurgence of a Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever outbreak. It...

22 December 2022

WHO and JICA deliver essential medical equipment to Al-Shatra Hospital in Dhi Qar governorate

Basra, Iraq, 22 December 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have delivered essential medical equipment and supplies to Al-Shatra Hospital in Dhi Qar governorate in southern Iraq.  The new equipment is necessary to increase the hospital's capacity to boost infection prevention and control (IPC) and enable it to provide quality health care services and specialized interventions, including anaesthetic and intensive care services.  The delivery of the equipment is part of a 10-month project, valued at approximately US$ 700 000, aimed at enhancing a comprehensive IPC strategy to...

20 December 2022

WHO inaugurates new triage unit for acute care in East Emergency Hospital in Erbil

Erbil, 20 December 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in Kurdistan of Iraq, inaugurated on 15 December a triage unit in East Erbil Emergency Hospital, the main facility for treating all types of casualties in Erbil governorate. The inauguration, which aligns with the Organization’s efforts to advance universal health coverage (UHC), is a milestone in delivering specialized emergency health care services to a large segment of the population in Erbil, including about 130 000 Syrian refugees and over 240 000 internally displaced persons (IDPs). “Achieving UHC...

18 December 2022

WHO gives fresh momentum to secondary health care services in Kurdistan, Iraq

Erbil, 15 December 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO) in Iraq, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, has just completed the renovation and expansion of a neonatal intensive care unit in the maternity teaching hospital in Erbil.  The unit can now deliver advanced lifesaving services for newborns of refugees, internally displaced populations (IDPs) and the Erbil hosting community of approximately 1.6 million people. The unit has been established on an additional space of 377 square metres to accommodate 92 newborns in fully equipped...

09 November 2022

Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Hospital in Sulaymaniyah completes the second phase of its renovation and expansion project

9 November 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in coordination with the Sulaymaniyah Directorate of Health, inaugurated the Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Hospital in the city of Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq after the completion of the second phase of the renovation and expansion project of the hospital. The three-phase project, which started in July 2020, at a total cost of US$ 1,250,000 provided through the support of WHO’s core contributors, will enable the 65-bed facility to provide advanced health care services to burn cases, including explosion and war casualties,...

03 November 2022

Risk communication and community engagement: a strategic investment to fight outbreaks in Iraq

Baghdad, 3 November 2022 – Over the past few years, risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) has become a core pillar in WHO's work in its quest to enhance community participation in the preparedness and response to different health issues, including emergencies and outbreaks. This strategic investment was further emphasized during the COVID-19 pandemic.  In Iraq, WHO and the Ministry of Health managed to reach millions of people through various awareness activities and multiple approaches to reach different community groups in response to COVID-19, the Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever and cholera outbreaks, as...

24 October 2022

WHO and Ministry of Health ramp up efforts to keep Iraq polio-free

Baghdad, 24 October 2022 — The World Health Organization (WHO), in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, increased efforts to enhance polio eradication activities to protect children and maintain the polio-free status in Iraq. Iraq has been certified polio-free since 2017 but is still vulnerable and at high risk of poliovirus importation/ emergence. Iraq is also a destination for frequent mass gathering events, receiving visitors from other countries, including polio-endemic Afghanistan and Pakistan and other countries experiencing circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus outbreaks. "Maintaining the polio-free status in Iraq is a top priority for...

29 September 2022

Building health system resilience in Iraq: investing in the management of pharmaceuticals and biomedical technologies

Erbil, 29 September 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO) in Iraq, in partnership with the Ministry of Health in the Kurdistan region, opened new WHO warehouses located within the Kurdistan Ministry of Health storage area in the Erbil governorate.  The inauguration marks the initial phase of a major transition from direct service provision to building resilience in the health sector and strengthening health systems, including the investment in the management of pharmaceuticals and biomedical technologies. Similar action is scheduled for all governorates in an endeavour to strengthen the health system in...

14 September 2022

New paediatric unit opens its doors for newborns and children in Akre Paediatric and Maternity Hospital in Duhok Governorate

Duhok, 14 September 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Directorate of Health in Duhok Governorate in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, today inaugurated a new paediatric department in Akre Hospital. With the opening of this department, the hospital becomes the only facility in the city to offer specialized services to children and newborns. The new unit will provide the population of Akre with support to address the increasing need for neonatal and paediatric health care services in Akre and surrounding districts, including Bardarash, which is home to 3500...

18 August 2022

Over 100 media professionals trained on covering health emergencies and outbreaks in Iraq

Baghdad, Iraq, 18 August 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Commission of Media and Communications (CMC), concluded today in Baghdad a training workshop on media coverage for outbreaks and emergencies in Iraq. The workshop aimed to equip more than 100 journalists and communication professionals from different Iraqi media outlets and relevant ministries with skills and techniques to accurately cover health issues related to outbreaks affecting Iraq, including COVID-19, cholera, and Crimean-Congo...

16 August 2022

WHO establishes new cardiac care unit in Shaikhan Hospital in Ninawa

Iraq, 15 August 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in cooperation with the directorates of health in Ninawa and Duhok governorates, inaugurated today a cardiac care unit in Shaikhan Hospital in Ninawa governorate. The unit, established within the premises of the 100-bed hospital in Shaikhan, was fully rehabilitated and equipped with the latest medical technologies and equipment required for intensive care units. The new centre will provide thousands of internally displaced persons and local communities with access to cardiovascular consultations and follow-up, as well as referral to other specialized health...

07 July 2022

Ministry of Health, in cooperation with WHO and UNICEF, releases assessment results of WASH and infection prevention control services in health facilities

Financed by the Government of Germany, the findings will inform policy and WASH programming and enhance infection prevention control measures across the country Baghdad, 7 July 2022 — The Ministry of Health in Iraq, in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, yesterday released the results of the comprehensive assessment of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and infection prevention and control (IPC) services in health care facilities in Iraq, with the financing from the Government of Germany.  The assessment was conducted on 3624 health facilities in Iraq. The findings of the...

20 June 2022

WHO provides Sulaymaniyah with urgent medical supplies to respond to cholera outbreak

20 June 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO) dispatched an urgent consignment of medicines and medical supplies to Sulaymaniyah governorate in the Kurdistan region of Iraq to support the regional Ministry of Health step up its response to the sudden cholera outbreak in the Region. The consignment comprised 4 pallets of medicines and medical supplies, including infusion sets, antibiotics, and intravenous fluid (ringer lactate) to cover the needs of a population of approximately 5000 people for a duration of 3 months.  The Minister of Health in the Kurdistan Region Dr Saman Hussain...

16 June 2022

Polio transition: integrating polio assets to strengthen health system in Iraq

Baghdad, 16 June 2022— A country, regional and global team from the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded today a five-day support mission to Iraq to advance the polio transition process and integrate polio programme capacities into overall public health functions. As the world gets closer to the goal of polio eradication, adequate support to priority countries like Iraq is paramount to achieving the goal, particularly in integrating polio surveillance into the national health surveillance system, increasing preparedness for any importation of cases, strengthening the expanded programme on immunization (EPI) and managing...

02 June 2022

WHO strengthens health information systems in Iraq

Baghdad, 2 June 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Iraqi Ministry of Health, is continuing to strengthen the health management information system through the implementation of the District Health Information System (DHIS-2) to enhance the quality of data collection, processing and reporting. WHO is leading the implementation of DHIS2 in Iraq by supporting health information system stakeholders at different levels to develop a national implementation action plan addressing the prerequisites for governance/leadership, hardware, building human resource capacities and managing implementation modalities. Over the past three months, WHO...

24 May 2022

WHO leads multisectoral efforts to fight Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in Iraq

23 May 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in cooperation with the Ministry of Health in Iraq, is scaling up preparedness and response activities to control the Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever outbreak in Iraq. As of 22 May 2022, Iraq reported 97 laboratory-confirmed cases and 18 deaths, with Thi Qar governorate reporting more than 50% of the cases. Currently, all Iraqi governorates have reported cases. Further coordination between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health is under way to make a difference in controlling the outbreak. “WHO is working closely with...

10 May 2022

Ministry of Health and WHO introduce environmental surveillance for poliovirus in Iraq

Baghdad, 9 May 2022 — The Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) have initiated environmental surveillance for polioviruses to further strengthen the nationwide polio surveillance system in Iraq. The establishment of environmental surveillance for polioviruses will complement acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance for more robust polio surveillance that ensures early detection of polioviruses in humans or the environment. “The environmental surveillance is a milestone in enhancing polio surveillance in Iraq,” said Dr Ahmed Zouiten, WHO Representative in Iraq. “Maintaining polio-free status in Iraq is only possible with effective and continued environmental surveillance,” “This is...

26 April 2022

WHO marks 5 years of strategic partnership with USAID in Iraq

Baghdad, 26 April 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO) marks the 5-year milestone of its strategic partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to support the provision of life-saving and essential health care services to vulnerable populations in Iraq. Over the past 5 years, USAID has provided WHO Iraq with support totalling US$ 122 million. “USAID has been the biggest funding partner of WHO in Iraq over the past 5 years. We’re proud of this genuine and growing partnership, which helped us expand access to much needed health...

11 April 2022

WHO delivers rapid antigen tests for COVID-19 to Iraq

Baghdad, 10 April 2022 – Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) handed over 630 000 rapid antigen tests to the Ministry of Health to be used for a timely and accurate COVID-19 screening and detection of SARS-COV-2 infection.   The US$ 1.6 million shipment came as a part of WHO’s overall COVID-19 response strategy to scale up the testing capacity and increase community access to COVID-19 testing in Iraq.   “These modern rapid tests, which are approved by WHO, will help the Ministry of Health enhance surveillance for COVID-19 and increase the number of tests performed everywhere in...

28 March 2022

Training workshop on medical journalism and countering misinformation concluded in Iraq

Baghdad, Iraq, 28 March 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in Iraq and Al-Jazeera Media Institute, concluded on 24 March in Baghdad a training workshop on medical journalism and countering misinformation. The 5-day workshop aimed at equipping more than 30 broadcasters, news anchors, programme presenters and producers across Iraq with skills and techniques needed to manage talk shows and verify information related to health issues, particularly COVID-19 and vaccine hesitancy, and comes as part of WHO’s strategy to build a strong partnership between...

17 March 2022

High-level delegation of WHO visits Iraq to boost health system

Baghdad, Iraq, 16 March 2022 – A High-level delegation from the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded a 5-day visit to Baghdad and Erbil to finalize Iraq’s Universal Health and Preparedness Review (UHPR) process. The UHPR is a governmental review mechanism led by the WHO Member States, in which countries voluntarily agree to a regular and transparent peer-to-peer review of their national preparedness capacities, as well as the performance of their health system in response to the different hazards and risks affecting public health. This initiative aims to bring together the relevant stakeholders...

14 February 2022

With support of WHO’s core contributors, health services and on-site vaccine opportunities were implemented in Iraq

Baghdad, Iraq, 8 February 2022: The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted an already fragile health system in Iraq. The health systems in the country had been crippled by decades of wars and instability that compromised the access to equitable and sufficient health care services across the country. World Health Organization (WHO) and the Iraqi Ministry of Health (MoH) forged a close cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and succeeded in mapping a quick response to critical health issues like the low vaccination rates across the country’s 18 governorates. Capitalizing on...

02 February 2022

First gender-based violence strategic plan launched in Iraq

2 February 2022, Baghdad – The Ministry of Health in Iraq, together with the World Health Organization (WHO), launched the first gender-based violence strategic plan, 2022–2026, on 31 January 2022. The plan will provide the strategic vision and operational directions for better implementation and coordination of sustainable interventions related to the health system's response to gender-based violence to reduce its short- and long-term negative health consequences. Dr Rana Mohammad Ali, Gender-Based Violence Officer for WHO Iraq, indicated that the strategic plan aims to integrate comprehensive and well-coordinated gender-based violence health services into...

23 January 2022

WHO supports Kurdistan region with over 20 tons of medical supplies to enhance national response to COVID-19 health challenges

Erbil, Iraq, 23 January 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO) has delivered more than 20 tons of urgently needed medical technologies to the Ministry of Health in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.  The 117-pallet consignment contains a variety of emergency medical devices, mechanical and intensive care unit beds and other hospital equipment and personal protective equipment that will contribute to boosting the quality of medical care services and enhance the local health authority’s preparedness in responding to an increasing number of cases as a result of the Omicron variant as...

28 December 2021

Iraq concludes first-of-its-kind workshop for journalists and Ministry of Health communications focal points on public health information sharing and verification

28 December 2021 – More than 80 journalists and Ministry of Health communications focal points from across Iraq participated in a workshop on information-sharing and responsible reporting on public health issues, including COVID-19.   “Misinformation can kill, as we have tragically seen in other countries since the start of the pandemic. Rumours can create fear and panic, causing people to make wrong choices regarding their health,” said Dr Ahmed Zouiten, WHO Representative in Iraq. “This workshop is not just a training, but the beginning of a stronger partnership between the media and the health sector...

02 December 2021

Iraq receives almost 3 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine through COVAX

Baghdad,1 December 2021 – Over 2.9 million doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine arrived in Iraq this month, bringing the total vaccines procured for this country through the COVAX Facility to over 6 million doses. Vaccination rates in Iraq have recently been a priority of national health authorities, the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and other health partners. As of 1 November, the vaccination services were significantly expanded across the country where over 120 external vaccination sites were set out Iraq-wide to target 12 million people including children aged 12 years...

08 November 2021

Iraq launches nationwide vaccination campaign to scale up immunity against COVID-19

Baghdad, Iraq, 8 November 2021 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in partnership with the Iraqi Ministry of Health, yesterday launched a national COVID-19 mass vaccination campaign covering all of Iraq, including the Kurdistan region and targeting over 12 million people with children 12 years old and above. The campaign which commenced today will last until 31 December 2021, and will certainly give momentum to the vaccine rollout process in Iraq to reach up to a 40% vaccination coverage rate among the general population by the end of this year. “COVID-19 continues to...

12 May 2021

Iraq receives second delivery of COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX Facility

Baghdad, 12 May 2021 – Despite a continued global shortage and limited production of COVID-19 vaccines, on 9 May Iraq received the second shipment of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine through the COVAX Facility. The arrival of the second shipment of exactly 499 200 doses brings the total number of vaccines received by the Iraqi health authorities from the COVAX Facility to nearly one million. “The epidemiological situation may have shown a slight improvement but is not yet under control and the number of infections and fatalities remains of great concern in Iraq....

28 April 2021

World Immunization Week - vaccines bring us closer

Baghdad, 28 April 2021 – Every year from 24 to 30 April, WHO, UNICEF, and all health partners in Iraq join the global community to celebrate World Immunization Week. This year, under the theme "vaccines bring us closer," the World Immunization Week urges greater engagement around immunization globally and at the country level to promote the importance of vaccination, and to improve health and well-being, for all. The World Immunization Week aims to promote vaccines to protect people of all ages against vaccine-preventable diseases. Immunization saves millions of lives every year...

27 April 2021

Baghdad, 26 April 2021 – WHO Iraq expresses pain and sorrow over the recent fatal fire in Ibn Khatib Hospital in Baghdad in the Diyala Bridge area on Saturday evening, where dozens of people lost their lives and others were injured.  “WHO extends its deepest condolences to the families of the victims, and to the people and the Government of Iraq.  We wish a speedy and full recovery to those who were injured,” said Dr Ahmed Zouiten, WHO Representative and Head of Mission. “WHO stands ready to assist efforts by the Government of...

11 April 2021

WHO confirms the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and urges Iraqis to register and vaccinate to help defeat the pandemic

Baghdad – 11 April 2021. The World Health Organization (WHO) in Iraq refutes the fabricated statement recently circulated in an unofficial social media platform to undermine the citizens' confidence in the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. The Organization confirms that it does not use unofficial channels to release information on health issues, including on COVID-19 prevention and vaccination measures. WHO would like to reiterate that COVID-19 vaccines are a game-changer in the fight against the pandemic, and confirms that the benefits of these vaccines outweigh any rare side effects. WHO calls upon...

07 April 2021

Building a healthier, fairer Iraq

4 July 2021 – Crises like conflict and COVID-19 have exacerbated inequities in Iraq. Essential health services and infrastructure have deteriorated, and not everyone has had equal access to the health care they need. Across the country, WHO, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) work together with the Government of Iraq, the Government of the Kurdistan region, international partners, other United Nations agencies and civil society to bring reliable, accessible health care to Iraqis, including the most vulnerable, ensuring that no one is left behind. 1 /...

25 March 2021

Iraq receives first delivery of COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX Facility

Baghdad, 25 March 2021   The AstraZeneca vaccines manufactured by SK-Bio Institute of South Korea arrived on Thursday 25 March 2021 and were received at Baghdad International Airport by the Minister of Health, Iraq, His Excellency Dr Hassam Mohammed Al-Tamimi, accompanied by representatives of the Ministry of Health, WHO, and UNICEF. This is a historic step towards the global goal of ensuring equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines worldwide and is part of the first allocation of vaccines to Iraq. Further consignments of 1.1 million COVAX vaccine doses are planned for Iraq in...

02 March 2021

Training on the WHO QualityRights initiative aims to strengthen mental health services in Iraq

In collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization conducted the first WHO Quality Rights initiative training for 8 Ministry of Health officials at Ibn Rushd psychiatric hospital in Baghdad. The training was conducted to strengthen the quality of mental health services and human rights conditions in health facilities providing mental health services, present recommendations for full national implementation of the WHO QualityRights initiative and familiarize Ministry of Health staff with the tools related to the initiative. "We expect participants to use these tools at the health facility level and...

24 February 2021

WHO maintains support to conflict-affected communities in Ninewa with delivery of 150 wheelchairs

Mosul, Iraq, 24 February 2021 –The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with Directorate of Health in Ninewa, distributed 150 wheelchairs to people with disabilities, including children under 14 years of age. Assistive technologies, such as wheelchairs, are essential to increasing an individual's ability to function independently and improve their well-being, and enable people with physical disabilities to carry out their daily activities and participate actively in their community. Since the liberation of Mosul, WHO has worked alongside the Ministry of Health to support 3 physical rehabilitation units in west Mosul,...

21 February 2021

WHO supports Iraq with vital consignment of medical technologies to boost COVID-19 containment efforts

Baghdad, Iraq, 21 February 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO) yesterday delivered a shipment of medical supplies and equipment to the Ministry of Health of Iraq, with the aim of supporting national preparedness and response efforts to the COVID-19 pandemic amid a sharp increase in the number of infections and concerns over the emergence of a new variant in the country. The 129-pallet consignment complements 2 other shipments delivered in 2020, worth over US$ 5 million. This new delivery of medical technologies includes intensive care supplies and equipment, as well as...

16 February 2021

WHO supports COVID-19 response in Kurdistan with allocation of US$ 1 million for medical supplies and materials

Erbil, Iraq, 16 February 2021 – The World Health Organization (WHO) today handed over 13 tons of medical supplies and equipment to the Ministry of Health in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. This donation will scale up intensive care capacity to respond to efforts aimed at controlling the recent increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Iraq. The medical consignment worth US$ 1 million will support health facilities in the Kurdistan region with personal protective equipment (PPE), COVID-19 diagnostic kits, oxygen concentrators, oximeters, intensive care beds and devices, hospital bedding and...

15 February 2021

Baghdad, Iraq, 15 February 2021 – The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomes a new set of resolutions announced by Iraq’s Supreme Health and Safety Committee on 13 February that aim to halt the recent increase in the number of COVID-19 cases reported by health institutions in the country. The steady increase in the number of cases over the last 5 to 6 weeks is a concerning development that requires vigilance and strengthening of preventive measures at individual and community levels. WHO urges all Iraqi citizens to adhere to the measures announced by...

17 January 2021

Baghdad, Iraq, 18 January 2021 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Iraq, has adapted a WHO clinical handbook for the health care of women subjected to violence in Iraq. More than 80 participants attended the launch of the publication, including health care providers, nongovernmental organizations, international nongovernmental organizations, and civil society organizations and activists, signalling national commitment to support efforts to address violence against women and girls in vulnerable settings in Iraq. “Violence in general and that against vulnerable groups like women, girls, and...

16 December 2020

WHO hands over essential health commodities to the Ministry of Health to contain COVID-19 in Iraq

Baghdad, 16 December 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO) has today handed over essential medical supplies to the Iraqi Ministry of Health to strengthen its capacity to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The supplies, which included personal protective equipment (58 800 face shields, 9800 protective goggles, 10 600 isolation gowns and 28 000 N95 face masks), were handed over to the Ministry of Health by the WHO Representative in Iraq, Dr Adham Ismail. “WHO’s priority is to support the Iraqi health authorities to control the spread of COVID-19 among its population,...

09 December 2020

An increasing number of suicide cases in Iraq worries public health experts amid COVID-19 pandemic

Baghdad Iraq, 9 December 2020 – The growing number of suicide cases in Iraq over the past years is a worrying public health concern that can no longer be ignored. If not addressed, it will keep taking a heavy toll on individuals and communities in the country.  Over 590 people died in 2019 in Iraq due to suicide, and 1112 attempted suicide; 80% of these people were women which translates to an average of one death per day due to suicide, and 3 people per day to have attempted suicide. The number...

05 December 2020

WHO Iraq conducts  community awareness-raising campaign to halt the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in Mosul

Baghdad, Iraq, 5 December 2020 – In November, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health in Iraq launched a new phase of the COVID-19 awareness-raising campaign in heavily populated and high-risk areas of Mosul, Ninewa governorate. The campaign aimed at reminding the public of the importance of wearing face masks, practising physical distancing and maintaining good hand hygiene. The campaign like previous ones, was themed "Your Health is Important". More than one million people were targeted in this round of the campaign, including refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs)...

30 November 2020

More than 1.9 million Iraqi children in high-risk governorates to be vaccinated against polio

Baghdad, 30 November 2020 – On Sunday, Iraqi health authorities, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF began a mass polio vaccination campaign targeting more than 1.9 million children under the age of 5. The campaign will be conducted in locations across Iraq, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which, like previous disease outbreaks and humanitarian emergencies has disrupted access to essential health services, including routine immunization. The campaign is urgent because even brief interruptions of vaccination programmes leave cohorts of infants unprotected, making outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, like...

24 November 2020

Restoration works completed at East Erbil Emergency Hospital and specialized services resumed for patients

Erbil, Iraq, 24 November 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in partnership with the Ministry of Health in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, today celebrated the completion of renovation works at East Erbil Emergency Hospital in Erbil Governorate. The hospital is currently functioning as the main facility providing life-saving emergency services to a population of approximately 1 million people, including refugees and internally displaced people, while other health facilities have been dedicated to managing COVID-19 patients. “WHO Iraq has built a fruitful partnership with the health authorities in the Kurdistan...

22 November 2020

WHO establishes isolation unit in Hamam Aleel Field Hospital to support the treatment of internally displaced COVID-19 patients

Baghdad, Iraq, 22 November 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in coordination with Ninewa Directorate of Health, has established an isolation unit in Hamam Aleel Field Hospital in Ninewa to treat suspected and confirmed cases of internally displaced COVID-19 patients in Hamam Aleel and surrounding areas. It will also serve to limit COVID-19 transmission in camps for the internally displaced in the governorate. “The emergence of the COVID-19 outbreak in Iraq has increased the concern of WHO and local health authorities over the health situation in camps for the internally displaced...

19 November 2020

Statement of the WHO Representative in Iraq Baghdad, Iraq, 19 November 2020 – Iraq joins the global community this week in marking World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, which is celebrated from 18 to 24 November to increase awareness of global antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policy- makers to stop the further emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections. As resistance grows to a wider range of drugs, the theme has been broadened for this campaign from antibiotics to all antimicrobials – “United to preserve...

18 November 2020

COVID-19 prevention and awareness campaign concludes in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

Erbil, Iraq, 18 November 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in partnership with the Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, concluded in Duhok today a 2-week COVID-19 prevention and awareness campaign, which started in Erbil on 7 November. The campaign targeted a population of approximately 4 million people, including refugees and internally displaced people (IDP), and more than 300 volunteers were mobilized to engage communities in 20 sites in the governorates of Erbil and Duhok. “The recent resurgence of the virus worldwide has increased the challenge for WHO...

16 November 2020

Prioritizing a transition from psychiatric hospital-based to community-based mental health services in Iraq

16 November 2020 – Around one in 10 people, approximately 792 million people globally, have a mental health or substance use disorder, contributing to 10% of the global burden of disease. In Iraq, the demand for mental health services is on the rise amid the COVID-19 pandemic and remains one of the top priority areas requiring support. Al-Rashad Psychiatric Hospital is the largest mental health facility in Iraq. It consists of 24 wards and is a long-stay residential facility. Despite its overall capacity of 1200 beds, the hospital is currently accommodating...

15 November 2020

Statement by WHO Representative in Iraq Dr Adham Ismail Baghdad, Iraq, 15 November 2020 ‒ Iraq joins the international community in commemorating World Diabetes Day (14 November) to raise awareness of this chronic disease. This is important because more than 13.9% of adults in Iraq live with diabetes, and many do not know that they have the disease. People with diabetes are at higher risk of severe illness when infected with COVID-19. Diabetes is the second cause of mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Iraq after cardiovascular diseases, making those with the disease...

08 November 2020

WHO conducts community awareness campaign to fight COVID-19 in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

Erbil, Iraq, 8 November 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in partnership with the Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, launched a COVID-19 prevention and awareness-raising campaign yesterday in an attempt to halt the recent surge in cases in Erbil and Duhok.   The campaign, the fifth in Iraq, targets a community of approximately 4 million people in Erbil and Duhok with prevention and infection control messages and highlights the importance of wearing masks, following proper hand hygiene and maintaining physical distancing among individuals in all settings.  “The community...

14 October 2020

Hevi Paediatric Teaching Hospital: A story of lifesaving services

Duhok, Iraq, 14 October 2020: Duhok Governorate in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq has pursued a proactive approach to improving health care services over the past 19 years, coordinated by the health directorate in the governorate and supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) and its implementing partners and generous donors. “Duhok Directorate of Health has undertaken in a chain of projects, including in paediatrics, mental health and essential health care services. These projects were implemented according to the Directorate's vision and the priority health needs of the community in Duhok,...

11 October 2020

Baghdad, Iraq, 10 October 2020: Today, WHO Iraq Country Office joins the rest of the world to mark World Mental Health Day 2020. This year’s theme is “Move for Mental Health: Let’s Invest” to advocate for increased international and domestic financing for mental health and well-being. We all agree that investment in mental health is urgently needed because, at one point in time, one in four people will be affected by a mental disorder. Iraq, like many other countries, spends on average only 2% of its health budget on mental health....

17 September 2020

17 September 2020 – Today, Iraq joins the world in commemorating World Patient Safety Day under the theme "Health worker safety: a priority for patient safety". It focuses on the interrelationship between health worker safety and patient safety with the slogan "Safe health workers, safe patients." A safe working environment for health workers is essential in ensuring a safe environment for patients. Like many countries across the world, Iraq is currently facing an unprecedented challenge in protecting the safety of patients as it grapples with the threat posed by COVID-19. Addressing...

09 September 2020

9 September 2020, Baghdad, Iraq – To strengthen referral services and ensure swift access to medical care for people in dire need, including COVID-19 patients in hard to reach areas, the World Health Organization (WHO) has delivered ten fully equipped ambulances to the Ministry of Health and Directorate of Health in Ninewa. “The procurement of these ambulances is timely considering the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the country, particularly in Baghdad and Ninawa Governorates. Patients with complications resulting from COVID-19, pregnant mothers and other medical conditions in hard to reach...

09 September 2020

WHO Iraq frontline workers tackling COVID-19 with community sensitizations and engagements

9 September 2020 - In July 2020, WHO Iraq collaborated with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Youth and Sports and community police, as well as WHO’s implementing partner, the United Iraqi Medical Society UMIS), to conduct community sensitization campaigns and engage with communities on COVID-19. This response follows evidence obtained from the Ministry of Health that showed an increase in the number of community transmissions in the country. The campaign, initially meant to run for one month in Baghdad, was later rolled out to five other governorates of...

25 August 2020

WHO delivers ambulances and health technologies to Ministry of Health in the Kurdistan region to support emergency referrals and COVID-19 containment efforts

Erbil, Iraq, 25 August 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO) has today delivered 6 ambulances to the Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan region to improve ambulatory and life-saving services for the vulnerable population of Syrian refugees and the host community in the Erbil governorate of Iraq. The WHO consignment also included 22 tonnes of health technologies to support the efforts of the Government in containing COVID-19. It included oxygen concentrators, nucleic acid extraction kits, viral transport medium, personal protective equipment and intensive care hospital beds. “Strong ambulatory and referral...

23 August 2020

WHO supports COVID-19 awareness-raising campaign in the Kurdistan region

Erbil, Iraq, 23 August 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in cooperation with the Ministry of Health in the Kurdistan region, today began a COVID-19 awareness-raising campaign in the Kurdistan region to remind the public of the importance of wearing face masks, practising physical distancing and maintaining good hand hygiene. The 9-day campaign began in Suleimaniya, which has seen large increases in infection rates since the start of the outbreak, mainly as a result of its proximity and long border with neighbouring Islamic Republic of Iran. The campaign will mobilize...

20 August 2020

WHO concludes COVID-19 awareness-raising campaign in the south

Baghdad, Iraq, 19 August 2020 – As the number of COVID-19 cases in Iraq continues to rise, WHO, in partnership with the Ministry of Health and its implementing partners, has just concluded another round of a COVID-19 awareness-raising campaign that intensified community outreach efforts to educate people on measures to limit transmission of the coronavirus. The campaign reached more than 5 million people in 4 densely populated and heavily affected areas in Basra, Wasit, Thi Qar and Missan. These governorates were the focus of the campaign as each has recorded a high...

10 August 2020

WHO and Ministry of Health launch second phase of COVID-19 awareness-raising campaign

Baghdad, Iraq, 10 August 2020 – Yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health of Iraq launched the second phase of a COVID-19 awareness-raising campaign in the heavily populated, high-risk areas of Thi Qar and Missan, south of Baghdad. The campaign “Your health is important” will be extended later in the month to Basra, Wasit, and to Sulaymaniyah, north of the capital Baghdad. Six hundred and fifty (650) community volunteers, including the community police working under the supervision of WHO’s implementing partners, the United Iraqi Medical Society and...

29 July 2020

COVID-19 awareness-raising campaign targets more than 6 million people in Baghdad

Baghdad, Iraq, 28 July 2020 – A one-month campaign, which began on 29 June, targeted more than 6 million people in 10 heavily populated and COVID-19-affected districts in Baghdad with health promotion and awareness messages to limit transmission of COVID-19 following an increase in the number of cases reported in the country. The campaign dubbed "Your health is important" was conducted in each of the 10 districts for a period of 3 days and was organized by WHO and the Ministry of Health, in partnership with the United Iraqi Medical Society,...

20 July 2020

WHO mobile clinics serving the vulnerable in Mosul amid COVID-19 outbreak

Baghdad, Iraq, 20 July 2020 – The COVID-19 outbreak in Iraq has presented a huge challenge to the country's fragile health infrastructure weakened by decades of unrest and internal conflict. It has also severely impacted over 1.3 million vulnerable internally displaced people and over 4.7 million returnees living in difficult conditions in many parts of the country. Ninewa, northwest Iraq, hosts the highest number of these returnees. Their living conditions have worsened as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent containment measures, including lockdown, which has impacted the ability...

02 July 2020

WHO provides support to bridge shortfall in oxygen supplies in Iraq

Baghdad, Iraq, 2 July 2020 – In light of the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Iraq and the severe shortage of oxygen in hospitals, WHO has succeeded in securing 300 oxygen concentrators to be used in Iraqi hospitals according to the Ministry of Health’s distribution plan. The concentrators were airlifted from WHO's warehouses in the United Arab Emirates and delivered to the Ministry of Health. The 300 oxygen concentrators have arrived at a time in which COVID-19 case management hospitals are suffering from a severe shortage in oxygen supplies needed...

28 June 2020

Baghdad, Iraq, 29 June 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Iraq, today began a major COVID-19 awareness-raising campaign targeting people living in high-risk and heavily affected areas in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. The campaign will mobilize more than 250 community volunteers to deliver critical information, education and communications materials to approximately 6 million people living in 10 heavily populated districts for 4 weeks from 29 June to 28 July 2020. “Health is the responsibility of all, and raising people’s awareness is essential to containing...

14 June 2020

WHO airlifts over 80 tons of emergency medical supplies from Iraq to meet increasing health needs in northeast Syria

14 June 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO) has dispatched more than 80 tons of urgently needed emergency medical supplies to support the health system in northeast Syria. The 3-cargo consignment was airlifted from Erbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq to Damascus from 10 to 12 June. “I commend the endeavour of all colleagues who worked hard to ensure the successful delivery of these lifesaving health supplies. The supplies will support the provision of health care in crisis-affected areas northeast Syria for hundreds of thousands of people in need and ensure access to...

10 June 2020

Baghdad, Iraq, 10 June 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO) in Iraq clarifies the statement made regarding the claim that COVID asymptomatic transmission is very rare. The claim made on 8 June was referring to a subset of studies and data shared by some Member States, on detailed cluster investigations and contact tracing activities. In those studies, where asymptomatic cases were followed, it was “very rare” to find secondary transmission. COVID-19 is caused by a new virus and we are still learning about the disease every day. It is important to stress...

31 May 2020

Baghdad, Iraq, 31 May 2020 – Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) has fought the pandemic with every tool at its disposal to save lives and support countries with limited COVID-19 response capacity, including Iraq. WHO and Iraqi health authorities proactively coordinated a comprehensive response to the pandemic as early as January 2020. WHO Iraq scaled up the country’s readiness and response operations mechanism, as well as its pandemic preparedness plan of action. “The Government of Iraq, with the full support of WHO, mobilized resources at...

28 May 2020

WHO supports Iraqi health authorities to combat COVID-19

Baghdad, Iraq, 28 May 2020 – Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, The World Health Organization (WHO) has focused on fighting the pandemic with every tool at its disposal to save lives and support countries with limited COVID-19 response capacity, including Iraq. WHO and the Iraqi health authorities proactively coordinated a comprehensive response to the pandemic as early as January 2020. The Organization scaled up the country’s readiness and response operations mechanism, as well as the pandemic preparedness plan of action. Several important actions by the Ministry of Health at both central...

21 May 2020

Baghdad, 21 May 2020 – Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been experiencing varying degrees of fear, concern, anxiety and stress which requires psychological support to enable them to cope better with the challenges they are facing. In Iraq, WHO identified groups in need of psychological care, with a special focus on women, and addressed their needs through a series of online training sessions on psychological first aid and how to address stigma and discrimination. In April this year, remote psychological first aid training was provided to more than 100...

19 April 2020

WHO provides medical supplies and equipment to the Ministry of Health of Kurdistan to fight COVID-19

Erbil, Iraq, 19 April 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO) has provided medical supplies and equipment to the Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan region of Iraq to support response efforts in fighting COVID-19. The 7-truck consignment totalling US$ 426 732 included 151 pallets of medical supplies, and hospital consumables, in addition to 46 pallets of renewable and supplementary items of the Inter-agency Emergency Health Kit (IEHK) sufficient for a population of approximately 200 000 for 3 months. The consignment also included 3 intensive care unit ventilators and monitors along with personal...

09 April 2020

WHO commends efforts of Iraq Supreme Seminary and urges citizens to follow health measures to save lives

Baghdad, Iraq, 9 April 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO) commends the call by the religious Supreme Seminary in Iraq to postpone religious gatherings and its commitment to ensuring implementation of prevention measures recommended by WHO and local health authorities in Iraq. The exponential spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world and the global rise in the number of infections and associated deaths necessitates limiting all social events and mass gatherings, including religious pilgrimages to holy sites. In this respect, WHO is disseminating clear recommendations to governments and the...

05 April 2020

Iraq produces COVID-19 laboratory supplies to more rapidly test cases

Basra, Iraq, 5 April 2020 – In cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), the COVID-19 Crisis Cell of Basrah University in southern Iraq has successfully produced urgently needed laboratory supplies to speed up testing of suspected cases. The global demand on supplies and equipment to fight COVID-19 has created a worldwide shortage of supplies. In particular, stocks of virus transport medium (VTM) — a gel-like substance used to preserve nasal swab specimens while they are being transported to laboratories — have been low. As of 1 April, the University manufacturing team produced...

01 April 2020

The fight to contain COVID-19 in Iraq

Baghdad, 1 April 2020 – Over the past few years, Iraq’s health system has faced many challenges, including internal conflict and the world’s biggest mass displacement in 2014–2016, all of which had a tough toll on an already fragile health system. With the detection of COVID-19 in China in December 2019, WHO immediately initiated preparedness efforts, and arranged a series of technical meetings with emergency teams in both federal and regional ministries of health to assess health facilities' resources and preparedness capacities to respond to a potential importation of the disease. The sudden...

30 March 2020

Baghdad, Iraq, 30 March 2020 – Iraq today reported over 630 cases with 46 deaths since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in the country on 24 February 2020. This makes Iraq the country with the second highest number of COVID-19-related deaths across WHO's Eastern Mediterranean Region after Islamic Republic of Iran. The World Health Organization (WHO) expects a spike in the number of infected individuals within the coming 10 days due to an increase in laboratory testing capacity. Three laboratories became operational for COVID-19 testing in Najaf, Basrah, and Baghdad Medical City...

15 March 2020

Baghdad, Iraq, 15 March 2020 – A high-level technical mission from the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded a visit to Iraq to support the Iraqi Ministry of Health response to COVID-19 prevention and containment measures. The mission, which comprised experts from the Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Region and headquarters in Geneva, held a series of meetings with national health authorities to identify the disease detection dynamics and at-risk populations, in addition to providing guidance on strengthening response and control measures. The mission also reviewed the Ministry’s overall readiness to deal with...

03 March 2020

COVID-19 preventive measures during mass gatherings discussed with religious leaders and health officials in Iraq

>Baghdad, Iraq, 3 March 2020 – As millions are expected to visit Iraq in the coming month for religious events, WHO is working with religious leaders and health officials to discuss necessary preventive measures to improve planning for mass gathering events during visits to holy sites to protect visitors from possible coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infections. “So far, the measures taken by the Government of Iraq to limit the spread of COVID-19 comply with WHO recommendations. Other urgent preparations, however, are critically needed, such as designating proper isolation facilities,” said WHO Representative...

17 February 2020

WHO delivers ambulances to strengthen referral pathways in Kurdistan region of Iraq

Erbil, 17 February 2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO) today handed over a new batch of fully equipped ambulances to the Ministry of Health in Kurdistan Region of Iraq to support the needs of internally displaced persons (IDP) and the host community. This second batch of 8 ambulances is part of a consignment of 20 fully equipped ambulances procured in 2019 with funds from the US Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) to be distributed to the directorates of health in Ninewa, Duhok, Kirkuk, Sala Alddin, Anbar, Erbil, Baghdad and...

26 January 2020

Improving access to specialized health services for people with physical disability in Iraq

26 January 2020 – Five years of conflict in Iraq has taken a huge toll on more than 5 million Iraqis who, at one point in time, have had to leave their areas of origin to move to safer places in the country. As many as half a million civilians have incurred some level of injury while thousands have lost limbs. In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with national health authorities, partners and donors, expanded the range of specialized health services for people with physical disabilities to ensure...

14 January 2020

WHO assesses capacity and preparedness of Al Jumhury Teaching Hospital for influenza

Erbil, Iraq, 14 January 2020 – Technical teams from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health in Kurdistan region of Iraq visited the WHO-supported isolation unit in Al Jumhury Teaching Hospital in Erbil on 12 January 2020. The teams assessed the preparedness of the facility and capacity of its isolation unit to accommodate seasonal influenza cases which have increased as temperatures have dropped in the Region. As of 12 January, this year, 7 H1N1 patients were reported positive by the facility, which resulted in 3 deaths identified as...

09 December 2019

Iraqi cancer data for 2017‒2018 announced

9 December 2019 ‒ Recently announced data from Iraq’s national cancer registry indicate that there are over 31,500 cancer and tumor-related cases in Iraq as of 2017‒2018. Cancer is considered one of the leading causes of mortality in the country, contributing to an estimated 11% of total deaths. “These alarming figures highlight the need for WHO, the Ministry of Health and all partners to address cancer management as a key public health priority programme in the country. The cancer registration data for 2017‒2018 provides essential data that will contribute to the...

28 November 2019

Iraq’s dedicated polio vaccinators hit the road to reach millions of children

Ensuring every child in Baghdad is safe and free from polio Baghdad, Iraq, 28 November 2019 – In Iraq’s capital Baghdad, one might think that access to households during the current polio vaccination campaign would be almost impossible, given the ongoing protests. However, for Mr Mahmoud Farhan and Ms Hadeel Kareem who have been working with WHO as vaccinators for the last 16 and 5 years, respectively, this is not a barrier. With WHO support and using a strategy of providing vaccination at fixed centres in health facilities and by going door-to-door, the...

26 November 2019

More than 3.1 million Iraqi children to be vaccinated against polio

Baghdad, 26 November 2019 – Health authorities in Iraq, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, have launched a campaign to reach more than 3.1 million children under-5 years of age with lifesaving polio vaccine. The 5-day campaign aims to target children in 65 districts in the governorates of Baghdad, Babylon, Diwaniya, Diyala, Muthanna, Thi-Qar, Missan and Basra. “Over the years, WHO, the Ministry of Health and UNICEF have worked hard to improve immunization coverage in the country. Therefore, it is important that we keep building on our work...

18 November 2019

Baghdad, Iraq, 18 November 2019 -- The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomes a new contribution of US$ 24 million from the US Agency for International Development’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID-OFDA) to strengthen primary, secondary and preventive health services in conflict-affected governorates in Iraq. Access to improved life-saving health services will be ensured for approximately 3.5 million beneficiaries in 7 governorates where health systems have been weakened by years of conflict. “WHO is grateful to USAID-OFDA for its continued support, which enables us to maintain the delivery of uninterrupted quality health...

13 November 2019

US Department of State's contribution boosts primary and referral health services for Syrian refugees in Iraq

Baghdad, Iraq, 13 November 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO) has welcomed a new contribution of US$ 2.5 million from the US Department of State's Bureau for Population, Refugees and Migration to maintain uninterrupted provision of primary and referral health services for over a quarter of a million Syrian refugees living in the 3 Kurdistan regions of Erbil, Dohuk and Sulaymaniya. The contribution targeted a package of advanced quality health and emergency referral services, including supporting a hospital in each of the governorates with 24/7 curative care and lifesaving emergency...

21 October 2019

WHO intensifies support to vulnerable communities in Ba’aj by strengthening the delivery of primary health care services

21 October 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO) has intensified its health support to vulnerable communities in areas of return in Ninewa governorate delivering more than 140 000 health interventions to people in and around Ba’aj town since January 2019. At Ba’aj primary health care centre, supported by WHO, patients received consultations for all health conditions, vaccination, laboratory services, medicines, emergency health care and referrals for emergency cases. Together with the local health authorities WHO established the health centre to provide much needed health services for more than 22 000...

30 September 2019

National polio immunization days campaign in Iraq

Baghdad, 1 October 2019 – The Ministry of Health of Iraq, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, began the first phase of a polio national immunization days campaign on 29 September 2019 in Karbala in the south of Iraq. Senior officials of the Ministry of Health, acting WHO Representative in Iraq Dr Adham R Ismail Abdel Moniem and UNICEF Representative Ms Hamida Lasseko officially launched the 5-day campaign, which aims to vaccinate more than 2.6 million children under the age of 5 in 10 governorates countrywide. “Keeping Iraq...

29 September 2019

UNIATF awards Iraq for its contribution to NCD prevention and control

29 September 2019 – WHO's country office in Iraq received an award at the United National General Assembly in New York for its contribution to NCD prevention and control under the category of outstanding United Nations country team.  Iraq's NCD programme won recognition for its efforts in: improving health outcomes; lowering exposure to NCD risk factors, and improving surveillance in the area of NCDs. Activities conducted under the programme had included "Walk the talk" campaigns to encourage a healthy lifestyle and combat NCD-related risk factors, implementation of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2019, and revision...

26 September 2019

WHO support to paediatric and neonatal semi-intensive care units in Raparin Paediatric Hospital in Erbil

Erbil, 26 September 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in partnership with the Ministry of Health in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, today celebrated the opening of the paediatric intensive care and neonatal gastroenterology and semi-intensive care unit in Raparin Pediatric Hospital in Erbil. The paediatric intensive and semi-intensive care units, with support from WHO, will provide specialized quality care services for infants and children from Syria, internally displaced population (IDPs), and the host community. The units have been supplied with advanced medical equipment to manage between 20 and 30 cases of...

22 September 2019

Greater support needed to ensure accessible quality health services for a quarter of a million Syrian refugees in Iraq

22 September 2019 – Providing access to health services for approximately 250 000 Syrian refugees in Iraq remains a major challenge for local health authorities, the World Health Organization (WHO), and humanitarian responders in Iraq. The shortage of resources, resulting from the internal displacement crisis in 2014, coupled with conflict in many parts of the country, have burdened the already stretched health system and undermined efforts to ensure the availability of an accessible health package in 8 Syrian refugee camps and hosting communities in governorates of the northern Kurdistan Region of...

22 September 2019

22 September 2019 – Lina Suhail had just undergone her third caesarian section in Al-Karkh Hospital when WHO launched its first World Patient Safety Day. Unlike other patients, Suhail was happy with the services that she received from this hospital. “All staff have been very helpful in giving me and other patients all the medications and personal care which hastened the healing process. This is a rare occurrence in most health facilities here. I think this was the main reason the caesarian operation was successful,” said Lina Suhai. “The biggest challenge...

16 September 2019

16 September 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO), in partnership with the Ministry of Health, conducted a workshop on WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGap) for health workers in primary health care centres in Al-Anbar governorate, west Iraq.   The workshop, held from 28 July to 1 August 2019, saw 27 paramedics trained to address mental health issues in the governorate.   “The significant shortage in the number of psychiatrists and mental health providers in Iraq has to be urgently addressed given the increasing needs for mental health services...

16 September 2019

WHO reaches thousands of Iraqis with health education messages during the 2019 Iraq Health Expo

Baghdad, 16 September 2019 – More than 6000 people benefited from health education and awareness messages and information disseminated by the WHO country office during a 3-day Iraq Health Expo held in Baghdad from 2 September to 4 September 2019. The event, which was organized by the Iraqi Ministry of Health, is the biggest health care event in the country, bringing together health care professionals, national and international agencies, service providers and investors in the health sector industry for the purpose of sharing and disseminating information and educating the public on...

15 July 2019

WHO Regional Director in Iraq to reinforce WHO support as country enters transition to development phase

Baghdad, 15 July 2019 – WHO's Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Ahmed Al Mandhari arrives in Iraq today to mark a major strategic shift in WHO’s work in the country. For many years, WHO’s priority work in Iraq was focused on responding to urgent health needs as a result of the ongoing crisis. This year, WHO’s focus will move from pure emergency response operations to both emergency and developmental activities that aim to rebuild the country’s health system. During his visit, Dr Al Mandhari will review a number of significant...

23 June 2019

Baghdad, 23 June 2019 – As the world commemorated its first World Food Safety Day under the theme of "Food Safety, Everyone's Business", the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), renewed their commitment to support the Government of Iraq in ensuring all Iraqis have access to safe, nutritious food by 2030. The United Nations General Assembly on 20 December 2018 announced 7 June of every year as World Food Safety Day in order to reduce the problems posed by food...

13 June 2019

Ministry of Health and WHO celebrate World No Tobacco Day

Wednesday, 13 June 2019 – The Iraqi Ministry of Health and WHO country office celebrated World No Tobacco Day with the launch of a national campaign to increase taxes on tobacco products in Iraq and endorse the revised tobacco law. The event was meant to raise awareness of the mechanisms and plans consistent with Law No. (19) of 2012 to respond to MPOWER requirements. MPOWER measures are intended to assist in the country-level implementation of effective interventions to reduce the demand for tobacco, as ratified by WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control...

12 June 2019

WHO delivers 10 ambulances to support medical services in hard-to-reach areas

12 June 2019, Baghdad, Iraq – The World Health Organization has delivered 10 fully equipped ambulances to Iraq in order to provide uninterrupted referral services in 4 governorates of Sala hadeen, Dahok, Erbil and Ninewa. “Referral services in camps and areas of return have been compromised due to the shortage of ambulances, exacerbated by the increasing number of returnees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in need of emergency referral services,” said Dr Adham Ismail, WHO Representative for Iraq. “WHO’s priority is to prevent avoidable loss of life and further medical complications by...

16 May 2019

WHO mobile medical clinics reach displaced persons in Kalar district, Sulaymaniyah governorate, Iraq

16 May, Baghdad, Iraq – More than 8000 internally displaced Iraqis living in camps and villages in Kalar and Kifri districts in Garmian, south-east of the Sulaymaniyah governorate, now have access to basic primary health services provided by WHO-supported mobile medical teams. Following the closure of a primary health care in Tazade and Qoratu and internally displaced persons (IDP) camps earlier this year, thousands of men, women and children were left without access to medical care. Together, with the Directorate of Health and Civil Development Organization, a local nongovernmental organization, WHO...

12 May 2019

12 May 2019 – In its efforts to support the Government of Iraq in increasing access to health care for thousands of people who have returned to Ninewa, WHO has established a third primary health care facility in Ninewa governorate to meet the life-saving health needs in Telefar district serving both Zummar and Rabeaa sub-districts. Positioned in the one of the most remote area of Tal Marak Centre, located 60 km to the west of Mosul city, this health facility will serve a catchment population of over 150 000 people. It...

22 April 2019

WHO sends new shipment of emergency equipment and medical supplies to Missan

Baghdad 22 April 2019 – To respond to the needs of the Directorate of Health in Missan following recent flooding affecting the area, WHO with the support of donors, arranged delivery of a second consignment of emergency supplies to support the Directorate. The shipment was transported on 17 April 2019 to Missan governorate, 304 kilometres south east of Baghdad. The shipment included emergency and medical supplies, inflatable boats and life jackets. Missan was adversely affected by the floods that were caused by heavy rain. Flood water is still covering a wide...

11 April 2019

Ministry of Health of Iraq, with the support of WHO and UNICEF, launches polio vacination campaign

Baghdad, 10April 2019 – “I am very happy to be at this centre of this campaign” ‒ with these words, His Excellency the Minister of Health of Iraq Dr Alaa Alwan launched a 5-day polio vaccination campaign in Baghdad on 7 April 2019. “This is an important event for the health sector in Iraq. Poliomyelitis is one of the diseases that we have eliminated. With continuous vaccination campaigns, we will be able to eradicate polio through relentless efforts by health workers and the motivation of Iraqi families to vaccinate their...

08 April 2019

WHO sends shipment of kits and medical supplies to Missan governorate

Baghdad 8 April 2019 – Responding to the needs of the Directorate of Health in Missan following the recent floods that hit the area, WHO, with the generous support of donors, sent a large consignment of emergency kits and medical supplies on 4 April to support the Directorate, 304 kilometres south east of Baghdad. Missan was adversely affected by the floods which were caused by heavy rain and floods from the border with Islamic Republic of Iran. The flood water is covering a wide area of land, which has led to...

07 April 2019

WHO, UNFPA and UNICEF reiterate their commitment to universal health coverage for every person, anywhere, anytime in Iraq

7 April 2019, Baghdad – Today, as the world commemorates World Health Day with the theme, universal health coverage, WHO, UNFPA and UNICEF recommit to supporting the Government of Iraq in ensuring that every person in Iraq has access to quality health care services, in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goal target of achieving universal health coverage by 2030. Iraq has made considerable progress in ensuring access to quality and affordable health care services for its citizens over the past 25 years. The country has seen great improvement in life expectancy,...

01 April 2019

Vaccination campaign against measles, mumps and rubella concludes in Iraq

Baghdad, 1 April 2019 – The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with WHO, completed a 10-day vaccination campaign to immunize children aged from 9 to 59 months in Iraq against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) from 10 to 24 March 2019. The campaign aimed to protect a large number of children and reduce the risk of severe and deadly MMR outbreaks in the country. It also forms a critical part of Iraq’s ongoing work to protect all populations against MMR epidemics, in alignment with the global measles and rubella strategic plan...

25 March 2019

Ministry of Health and WHO mobilize national authorities to facilitate implementation of core public health capacities under the International Health Regulations

Baghdad 25 March 2019 – Under the auspices of H.E. the Minister of Health of Iraq Dr Alaa Alwan and the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, in collaboration with WHO country office in Iraq, a national workshop was organized to facilitate assessment of and planning for national public health capacities required under the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). Implementation of core public health capacities under the IHR is an obligation for national health authorities and requires the involvement of all sectors under a one health approach. International and regional...

13 March 2019

WHO welcomes a generous contribution from Japan to rebuild resilient health systems in Iraq

Baghdad 13 March 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO) extends its gratitude to the Government and People of Japan for the generous contribution of US$ 803 571 to assist in protecting health security in post-conflict Iraq by strengthening the country’s ability to prepare for and respond to public health events, particularly in vulnerable populations. While the country moves towards the reconstruction and resilience phase, the need for humanitarian assistance persists, and services established by WHO during the crisis need to be sustained in areas containing internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees,...

12 March 2019

Paediatric unit and outpatient department open for patients in Hawija General Hospital

Baghdad, 12 March 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO) and Kirkuk Directorate of Health today inaugurated a paediatric unit and outpatient department in Hawija General Hospital in the Kirkuk governorate. The outpatient department in the hospital sustained significant damage during the conflict in Hawija in 2014‒2017. It has since been completely renovated and a paediatric unit which comprises a number of pre-fabricated buildings with a 25-bed capacity supports the delivery of extended paediatric health services in the facility. The project also covered the rehabilitation of the doctors’ call, or sleep room....

12 March 2019

WHO support for prosthetic rehabilitation centre brings hope for patients with disabilities

12 March 2019 – Thirteen-year-old Jasmin from Badush village in Mosul calmly sits despondent and quiet on his wheelchair at the WHO-supported emergency orthopaedic centre in Sulymania. His face bears the scars of recent injuries; his smile is mixed with joy and sadness but testifies to his hope for a better future. "I want to be able to walk on my own again," says Jasmin, with his uncle by his side. “I want to go back to school and be a policeman so that I can keep law and order in...

11 March 2019

Improving availability of and access to essential and life-saving medicines and medical supplies in Iraq

Baghdad 10March 2019 – In recent years, the Ministry of Health of Iraq has been facing challenges in procuring and making available medicines and medical supplies available in a timely manner to meet the country’s needs. This situation has resulted from a combination of factors, including the protracted crises that the country has undergone including the most recent armed conflict and attacks by armed groups, which led to unprecedented displacement in areas of Ninewa, Anbar, Salah Al-Din and Kirkuk. The situation has been further aggravated by the sharp drop in oil...

11 March 2019

Chances of survival for children in Dohuk see a significant improvement

11 March 2019 – At Heevi Pediatric Hospital in Dohuk Governorate, the survival rate for children with acute conditions has significantly improved since WHO started supporting the paediatric intensive care unit more than 3 years ago. Thanks to the Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) and the Government of Kuwait who helped to equip the unit with beds and medical equipment. Before its establishment, the survival rate of all the children admitted in the unit in 2016 was at 60%, but with the unit up and running, the survival...

04 March 2019

Iraqi Ministries of Health and Higher Education and WHO celebrate World Cancer Day

3 March 2019 – According to the International Agency for the Research on Cancer, an estimated 18.1 million cancer cases were diagnosed in 2018. The most common types of cancer are lung, prostate and colorectal cancer, which are among the leading causes of death globally. Mortality due to lung, colorectal and liver cancer is predicted to increase in WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region in the next 15 years largely as a result of limited access to diagnosis and treatment. The latest statistics of Iraq’s Ministry of Health’s Department of Planning reveal...

03 March 2019

WHO supports Ministry of Health of Iraq to improve blood safety and transfusion services

Baghdad, 3 March 2019 – With the support of WHO, the Ministry of health of Iraq has developed an action plan to improve blood safety and blood transfusion services and meet the increased demand for blood in humanitarian emergencies. To support the ongoing efforts of the Ministry, WHO has conducted several technical support missions to the country since 2011, including in 2016. The latest took place in January 2019, which was followed by a workshop from 18 to 24 February. The missions aimed to: assess the situation of blood supply and clinical...

26 February 2019

Baghdad, 26 February 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO) strongly condemns the recent attack on a medical practitioner who was physically assaulted while providing medical care to a critically ill 70-year old female in Azadi Teaching Hospital in the Kirkuk governorate on 18 February 2019. “WHO calls on the authorities in Iraq to ensure the safety of health workers, health facilities, and the sanctity of health care,” said Dr Adham Rashad Ismail, acting WHO Representative in Iraq. “Such attacks constitute a serious violation of international humanitarian law and deprive the...

13 February 2019

WHO intercountry cooperation yields rich health dividends

13 February 2019 – Intercountry collaboration between Iraq and Jordan allowed WHO and health authorities in Iraq to rapidly and successfully respond to an increase in cases of acute respiratory infections. The last week of November 2018 witnessed an alarming rise in the incidence of acute respiratory infections in Suleimaniya governorate in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. By 31 December, more than 35 suspected cases of influenza were admitted to Shaheed Hemin Hospital for Internal Medicine in the governorate, but very few cases had undergone virology laboratory investigation due to the...

03 February 2019

WHO organizes a food safety and quality assurance assessment mission to Iraq

Baghdad 3 February 2019 – Responding to a request by the Iraqi Ministries of Health and Environment, the World Health Organization (WHO) organized a mission of international experts to visit Iraq and conduct field visits, meetings and a joint workshop on food safety and quality assurance between 27 and 31 January 2019. The experts assessed the situation of food safety, highlighted gaps and obstacles and submitted recommendations on how to tackle the challenges faced by the food safety system in Iraq. Visits were made to national laboratories at different institutions and...

22 January 2019

Ministry of Health and WHO conclude comprehensive health information system assessment in Iraq

Baghdad 22 January 2019 – Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Health of Iraq Dr Alaa Alwan, and in cooperation with WHO, a series of field trips and meetings were conducted in Baghdad, Basra, Missan, Erbil and Kirkuk between 13 and 17 January 2019 to run a comprehensive health information system assessment in Iraq, and a workshop consolidating key issues arising from the assessment was held from 16 to 17 January in Baghdad. The WHO team of experts accompanied by the Ministry of Health made field trips and...

17 January 2019

WHO delivers 4 trucks loaded with kits and medical supplies to Diyala

Baghdad 17 January 2019 – Responding to the needs of the Directorate of Health in Diyala, WHO, with the generous support of donors, arranged for a large consignment of medical kits and medical supplies to support the Directorate. A shipment of 4 40-foot trucks loaded with kits and medical supplies was transported on 14 January 2019 to support districts housing returnees in the Diyala governorate, 84 kilometres east of Baghdad. As Diyala is one of the crisis-affected governorates, and in line with the objectives of Humanitarian Response Plan, WHO, in coordination...

13 January 2019

Midterm review of Iraq’s national reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health strategy, 2016‒2020

Baghdad 10January 2019 – A midterm review of Iraq’s national reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescents’ health strategy was conducted by the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with WHO, UNICEF and the United Nations Population Fund in Iraq in a workshop held on 2‒3 January 2019 in Baghdad, which was attended by 30 officials from relevant Ministry of Health departments and representatives of United Nations agencies. The review aimed at evaluating progress in the performance of all stakeholders in achieving the goals of the strategy. The aims of the review were...

08 January 2019

New US Department of State contribution supports WHO’s work for  Syrian refugees in Iraq

Baghdad 8 January 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomes a new contribution of US$ 2.5 million from the US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (BPRM) to support health services for Syrian refugees living in Iraq. Almost 250 000 Syrian refugees are currently living in the three governorates of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) - Erbil, Dahuk, and Sulaymaniyah. The majority (64%) live within host communities.