Gender in health and development | News | In focus | Gender and health questions

Gender and health questions

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Capacity-building in gender analysis in health facilitates the development and implementation of gender-sensitive health policies and programmes. WHO ensures that expertise and capacity to undertake gender analysis and planning exists at all levels of the Organization and supports Member State to progressively reduce gender-based health inequities.

Test your knowledge on gender and health with these 10 basic questions.

1. A gender-responsive workplan recognizes the differences between women and men’s health needs and vulnerabilities and includes actions to ensure these differential needs are addressed. True
2. Gender norms are standards set by society that determine what roles and responsibilities men and women should assume in society. True
3. Time, money, information, transportation and social support networks are all resources that impact health outcomes. True
4. A women who is unable to see a doctor without head of household permission is an example of a gender issue in health. True
5. Women and men always have the same access to time, money, information, transportation and social support networks. False
6. Gender mainstreaming is concerned only with integrating perspectives and realities of female populations groups. False
7. Sex disaggregated health data enables identification of differences between men, women, boys and girls. True
8. Gender in health refers only to reproductive health and conditions related to hormonal changes, and genetic or hereditary conditions. False
9. Fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits, power, resources and responsibilities between women and men according to their needs is called gender discrimination. False
10. Health policies that do not distinguish between the needs of male and female population groups are called gender blind. True