Food and chemical safety | Strategy/policy

Strategy and policy

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Food safety

The regional food safety strategy is closely aligned with the WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety. Eight key approaches have been identified to support the WHO global food safety strategy.

  • Strengthening surveillance systems of foodborne disease
  • Improving risk assessments
  • Developing methods for assessing the safety of products of new technology
  • Enhancing the scientific and public health role of WHO in Codex alimentarius
  • Enhancing risk communication and advocacy
  • Improving international and national cooperation
  • Strengthening capacity building in developing countries

For further information see WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety.

Chemical safety

WHO works on chemical safety in collaboration with other UN organizations and programmes. Centrally placed in this cooperation is the (Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) 

The work of WHO in chemical safety focuses specifically on 10 chemicals or groups of chemicals which all pose major public health concerns.

Air pollution





Dioxin and dioxin-like substances

Inadequate or excess fluoride



Highly hazardous pesticides