
Volume 14, issue 6

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Research articles

Epidemiological and cost analysis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Oman

Prognostic value of infection and inflammation markers for late cardiac events in an Iranian sample

Assessment of lung cancer risk due to exposure to radon from coastal sediments

Evaluation of the Quit and Win contest for smoking cessation in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Patterns of tobacco use: results from the 2005 Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Lebanon

Smoking initiation among Iranian adolescents: a qualitative study

Changes in adrenal steroidogenesis in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and sterile ascites

Needs assessment and coping strategies of persons infected with HIV in Egypt

Knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS in Mashhad, Islamic Republic of Iran

Prevalence of genital chlamydia in Iranian males with urethritis attending clinics in Mashhad

Urologic diseases in the Islamic Republic of Iran: what are the public health priorities?

Oman Eye Study 2005: prevalence and determinants of glaucoma

Oman Eye Study 2005: validity of screening tests used in the glaucoma survey

Comparison of Perkins, Tono-Pen and Schiøtz tonometers in paediatric patients under general anaesthesia

تمويل القطاع الصحي خيارات تمويل الرعاية الصحية في العراق

Évaluation du système de suivi des décès maternels dans les structures publiques de Tunis (1999-2004)

Optimal age of sexual maturation in Egyptian children

New growth charts for Libyan preschool children

الهرم الغذائي العربي إطار موحَّد للرسائل الصحية الغذائية

Analyses biologiques réalisées chez des travailleurs dans le secteur alimentaire au nord du Liban

Intestinal parasitosis and use of untreated wastewater for agriculture in Settat, Morocco

Carrier detection of phenylketonuria in Iranian families by variable number tandem-repeat polymorphism analysis

Lower third molar eruption following orthodontic treatment

Short communication

Suicide/homicide ratios in countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region


Older adult care in Lebanon: towards stronger and sustainable reforms


Letters to the Editor