World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé

Objectives of the Meeting and Agenda


Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the Regional Meeting is to share international experience in moving toward Universal Health Coverage with policy and decision-makers in EMR, to help them devise a clear vision for reforming the health system in their countries to move towards Universal Health Coverage.

The specific objectives are:

  1. Share evidence and exchange experience of countries from within and outside EMR about what has worked and what has not worked to address the challenges related to the collection, pooling and purchasing functions of health financing to move towards UHC.
  2. Document and discuss countries’ experiences in addressing challenges related to other health system components, in particular: health workforce, service provision and health technologies, to expedite their move towards Universal Health Coverage.
  3. Assist EMR member states, at their various levels of socioeconomic development, to formulate a vision and a roadmap, to address health system challenges to move towards Universal Health Coverage.
  4. Promote multisectoral collaboration and foster partnerships between national and international stakeholders to support to EMR member states to move towards Universal Health Coverage and sustain prior achievements.


The Conference shall involve key note speeches from health policy and health system experts involved in health system reform for moving towards Universal Health Coverage. In addition, plenary and panel sessions will be arranged to discuss specific health system components and their contribution to the goal of Universal Health Coverage. The Agenda shall be arranged around the three dimensions of Universal health Coverage being: financial protection, provision of needed services, and expanding coverage to the poor and vulnerable.

Expected Results

The Conference is expected to: