World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé



26 Juin 2023

WHO Global and Regional Technical Meeting on Addressing Noncommunicable Diseases in Emergencies

Introduction From 13 to 15 December 2022, a significant gathering of global and regional stakeholders and experts took place in Cairo, Egypt. The purpose of the meeting was to address the integration of noncommunicable disease (NCD) care in emergency preparedness and response. This event marked the first in a series...

16 Juin 2023

STEPS survey in Pakistan: Identifying the burden of noncommunicable diseases

Introduction: Surveying the NCD burden, assessing risk factors and driving change Pakistan initiated a comprehensive STEPS survey to assess the burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and their associated risk factors. With NCDs being a leading cause of death and disability in the country, the Ministry of Health undertook this survey in...

16 Juin 2023

Oman commemorates 20 years of population-based cancer registry

Introduction: Oman’s journey towards understanding and controlling cancer trends Oman recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of its population-based cancer registry, a significant milestone in the country's efforts to fight cancer. With cancer being recognized as a major health issue in Oman, the establishment of this registry in 1996 was a crucial...

13 Juin 2023

UAE national cancer registry: Enhancing cancer data collection and control measures

Introduction: Improving cancer data collection and initiating the Basmah initiative The Ministry of Health and Prevention in United Arab Emirates (UAE) established the UAE national cancer registry to gather comprehensive data on cancer diagnoses among UAE residents. This registry has played a pivotal role in informing the National Cancer Control Programme...

13 Juin 2023

NCD surveillance at primary care level in Oman: strengthening healthcare

Introduction: Integrating NCDs into primary care for enhanced data collection and tailored initiatives The integration of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) into primary care in Oman has proven to be a valuable approach for data collection and surveillance of selected NCDs. This initiative, led by the Ministry of Health, has enabled the assessment of...

12 Juin 2023

Qatar implements death registry system to drive evidence-informed policies and programmes

Introduction: Establishing Qatar's comprehensive death registry system The Ministry of Public Health in Qatar has successfully established its death registry system, aimed at gathering comprehensive and accurate data on death rates. This system plays a crucial role in formulating evidence-informed policies and programmes, as well as measuring their effectiveness. By tracking the...

08 Juin 2023

United Arab Emirates: Remote health services provision during the COVID-19 pandemic

Telemedicine and mHealth in United Arab Emirates Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) pose a significant public health challenge in United Arab Emirates, requiring ongoing and long-term management services. NCDs are the leading causes of death and disability in United Arab Emirates, accounting for 77% of deaths in 2018. Among these NCD-related deaths, more...

08 Juin 2023

Sudan: Remote health services provision during the COVID-19 pandemic

Telemedicine in Sudan Telemedicine was implemented in Sudan to address the significant disruption in healthcare services caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) accounted for 52% of deaths in Sudan, with half of them being premature. The primary healthcare centers operated by the Federal Ministry of Health served as the...

07 Juin 2023

Qatar: Remote NCD health services provision during the COVID-19 pandemic

Digital health services in Qatar Digital health services in Qatar were rapidly implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly to ensure the provision of essential care for people living with noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and other health needs, all within the safety of their homes. Previously, primary health care centers and...

07 Juin 2023

Qatar: Remote mental health services provision during the COVID-19 pandemic

Remote mental health services in Qatar The COVID-19 pandemic and the necessary measures of staying at home and maintaining physical distancing instilled fear and anxiety among the public in Qatar, leading to adverse effects on mental health and overall well-being. Furthermore, individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions experienced heightened symptoms due...

07 Juin 2023

Oman: Remote health services provision during the COVID-19 pandemic

Telemedicine and mhealth in Oman In Oman, the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is alarmingly high, contributing to 72% of all deaths in the country. Specifically, nearly one-third of the population suffers from high blood pressure. To address the health needs of people living with NCDs, the healthcare system in Oman...

07 Juin 2023

Saudi Arabia: Remote health services provision during the COVID-19 pandemic

Technology and mHealth in Saudi Arabia The utilization of technology and mobile health (mHealth) has become crucial in Saudi Arabia's response to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). NCDs and their associated risk factors have emerged as significant public health concerns in the country, accounting for approximately 78% of all deaths, with cardiovascular diseases...

07 Juin 2023

Jordan: Remote health services provision during the COVID-19 pandemic

Remote tobacco cessation services in Jordan The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown measures disrupted access to tobacco cessation services provided through traditional clinics. To address this issue, the Ministry of Health collaborated with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship and the National Call Center to establish a helpline for remote...

07 Juin 2023

Islamic Republic of Iran: Remote health services provision during the COVID-19 pandemic

Digital health and telemedicine approaches In the Islamic Republic of Iran, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) contribute to approximately 81% of all deaths, with a 15% probability of death between the ages of 30 and 70 due to the four main NCDs. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, digital health and telemedicine modalities...

31 Mai 2023

IraPEN: tailoring the WHO PEN for NCD prevention and control to the national context

Introduction The WHO Package of Essential Noncommunicable Disease Interventions (WHO PEN) serves as a comprehensive set of fundamental standards and services designed for addressing noncommunicable diseases (NCD) in low resource settings. Moreover, it acts as a crucial initial step towards integrating NCDs into primary healthcare systems. Recognizing the significant impact of...

31 Mai 2023

SUR I CAAN: a civil society initiative that transformed rheumatic heart disease control in Sudan

Introduction Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) has posed a significant burden on Sudan's healthcare system. In response, cardiologists from the Sudan Heart Society took the initiative to establish a programme for RHD control. They developed the SUR I CAAN framework, which emphasized Surveillance, Integration, Collaboration, Awareness, Advocacy and Training. Over time, the...

27 Mai 2023

Iranian NCD committee: multisectoral engagement for NCDs at the highest level

Introduction Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) pose a significant burden on the health and well-being of the population in the Islamic Republic of Iran. To address this challenge, the Iranian Noncommunicable Diseases Committee was established by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in 2014. This initiative, characterized by high-level commitment and a...

25 Mai 2023

NCD integration and mental health and psychosocial support in Syria: demonstrating feasibility and impact with NCD emergency kits

Introduction In the midst of protracted emergencies, the focus of humanitarian health response has traditionally been on acute conditions, often overlooking the significant impact of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in low- and middle-income countries and disaster-prone areas. Syria, for instance, witnessed a high mortality rate from NCDs, with 45% of all deaths...

18 Décembre 2022

Turn the tide on NCDs: Implement and strengthen NCD monitoring systems at primary health care level

18 December 2022 | From 27 to 29 November 2022, more than 100 global and regional stakeholders and experts from across WHO (global, regional and country offices) and ministries of health convened virtually to address implementation and strengthening of noncommunicable disease (NCD) monitoring systems at primary health care level to...

04 Septembre 2022

EMHJ special edition on palliative care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

4 September 2022 | The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean presents a special edition of the Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ) on palliative care. Featuring six original research articles, three reports, one review, one commentary and two editorials on different aspects of palliative care across the Region, the...

25 Août 2022

Hospital-based palliative care services bridge the care gap in Lebanon

Initiative  Lebanon has a high burden of cancer. In 2018 alone, 17 294 individuals were diagnosed, and 8 976 individuals died of cancer in the country. The high cancer prevalence, combined with an ageing population, re-emphasizes the increasing need for palliative care services in the country. Palliative care services can improve...

01 Mai 2022

COVID-19 vaccines and noncommunicable diseases

© Mustafa Altamimi COVID-19 and NCDs in the Eastern Mediterranean Region As of 27 March 2022, there have been more than 21 million COVID-19 confirmed cases in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, more than 20 million recovered, and more than 340 000 deaths. The case fatality rate is 1.6% and the recovery...

12 Avril 2022

WHO is developing a framework for meaningful engagement with people living with noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions

The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean organized a virtual informal consultation with people living with noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions in the Region in coordination with the WHO Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases. The consultation aimed at exploring...

16 Décembre 2021

Afghanistan’s successful deployment of the NCD emergency kit shows the importance of integrating NCD services into primary health care to save lives

Initiative  Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are currently causing an estimated 109 000 deaths every year in Afghanistan. In order to address this burden, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Public Health jointly with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners deployed the NCD emergency kit in four primary health care centers in different provinces...

31 Janvier 2019

31 January 2019 – At the Seventy-first World Health Assembly in May 2018, Member States endorsed resolution WHA71.14 on rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. The resolution called for WHO to launch a coordinated global response to rheumatic heart disease. In response, the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean,...

31 Janvier 2019

4 February 2019 – On World Cancer Day, 4 February, the World Health Organization is calling on communities and individuals alike to show support, raise their collective voices, take personal action and press their governments to do more. Cancer is one of the world’s biggest killers. This theme this year...

14 Juin 2018

Urgent action is needed to address chronic diseases and mental health disorders

The World Health Organization Independent High-level Commission on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) released a new report calling for urgent action on NCDs and mental health disorders. High-level political commitment and the immediate scaling up of actions is needed to address these conditions. Noncommunicable diseases are killers NCDs are the world’s biggest killers and...

01 Février 2017

Diagnose and treat cancer early to save lives

1 February 2017 – In observance of World Cancer Day, 4 February, the World Health Organization recommends that health services focus on diagnosing and treating cancer early, so more people can survive this disease. WHO data indicate that 8.8 million people die from cancer every year. The majority of deaths...

09 Novembre 2016

Eyes on diabetes

9 November 2016 – The International Diabetes Federation celebrates World Diabetes Day every year on 14 November. This year, the theme for the Day is Eyes on diabetes. The campaign focuses on promoting the importance of screening to ensure early diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes and treatment to reduce the...

31 Janvier 2016

WHO is calling on collective and individuals to take action to reduce the burden of cancer

1 February 2016 – On World Cancer Day, 4 February, the World Health Organization is calling on communities and individuals alike to take action to prevent and control cancer, one of the world’s biggest killers. More than 30% of cancers can be prevented through the adoption of healthy lifestyles. Raising...

12 Novembre 2015

12 novembre 2015 – Dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale du diabète, l’OMS lance plusieurs appels : aux personnes et aux familles, pour qu’elles améliorent leur régime alimentaire et pratiquent davantage d’exercice physique en vue de prévenir le diabète et de garantir sa prise en charge efficace par les personnes vivant...

05 Novembre 2015

Améliorer les soins palliatifs pour une meilleure qualité de vie

5 novembre 2015 – Chaque année, 40 millions de personnes à travers le monde ont besoin de soins palliatifs, et 86 % d’entre elles n’en bénéficient pas. Les soins palliatifs sont les soins dispensés aux patients et aux familles confrontés à des problèmes associés à une maladie potentiellement mortelle, qu’ils soient d’ordre physique,...

26 Octobre 2015

Le programme des Monographies du CIRC évalue la viande rouge et les produits carnés transformés

26 octobre 2015 -- Le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC), l’agence de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé spécialisée sur le cancer, a examiné plus de 800 études portant sur la cancérogénicité de la viande rouge et des produits carnés transformés pour l’homme. Un groupe de travail de 22 experts réunis...

30 Septembre 2015

Watching Manchester United score goals has long set Garo Hagop’s pulse racing – in a good way. But recently, he has banished more unhealthy sources of high blood pressure thanks to joint efforts by Lebanon’s Ministry of Public Health and WHO to target cardiovascular diseases. The 64-year-old Beirut public school concierge,...

29 Septembre 2015

29 septembre 2015 – Aujourd’hui, à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale du cœur, l’OMS appelle les individus à plus d’activité physique. L’Organisation encourage également les pays à favoriser l’exercice physique et à aider les décideurs à promouvoir une vie plus active dès la petite enfance et tout au long de...

13 Septembre 2015

Amman, Jordanie, le 13 septembre 2015 – Le Bureau régional de l'OMS pour la Méditerranée orientale a organisé en Jordanie un forum sur la libre commercialisation des boissons et aliments malsains ciblant les enfants, les 13 et 14 septembre 2015. Cet événement s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une initiative de l’OMS...

06 Septembre 2015

Le Bureau régional de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) pour la Méditerranée orientale, conjointement avec la NCD Alliance, a tenu sa toute première rencontre avec des organisations de la société civile les 1er et 2 septembre derniers pour discuter et s’entendre sur la manière de renforcer le mouvement de la société...

06 Août 2015

Accélérer l’action en faveur de la lutte contre le cancer peut sauver des vies Le cancer compte parmi les quatre principales causes de mortalité dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale, après les maladies cardio-vasculaires, les maladies infectieuses et les traumatismes. Son incidence devrait pratiquement doubler dans les vingt prochaines...

06 Août 2015

Arrêter le commerce illicite des produits du tabac Les cigarettes, la pipe à eau (chicha) et le tabac sans fumée sont introduits en contrebande d’un pays à l’autre. Ces produits illicites ne font l'objet d'aucune taxe ni réglementation et ne respectent pas les exigences en termes de mises en garde...

06 Août 2015

Consommer moins de sel pour éviter l’hypertension et les cardiopathies L’apport en sel est l’un des principaux facteurs responsables de l’augmentation des maladies non transmissibles (MNT) dans le monde. Les MNT constituent la première cause de mortalité prématurée au XXIe siècle. Les maladies cardio-vasculaires et les accidents vasculaires cérébraux sont deux des principales...

13 Juillet 2015

19 JANUARY 2015 ¦ GENEVA - Urgent government action is needed to meet global targets to reduce the burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), and prevent the annual toll of 16 million people dying prematurely – before the age of 70 – from heart and lung diseases, stroke, cancer and diabetes, according...

13 Juillet 2015

14 January 2015 - The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), WHO’s specialized cancer agency, strongly disagrees with the conclusion of a scientific report on the causes of human cancer by Dr Cristian Tomasetti and Dr Bert Vogelstein, published in the journal “Science” on 2 January 2015 and widely...

07 Juillet 2015

En 2014, l’Assemblée mondiale de la Santé a adopté la cible mondiale visant une réduction relative de 30 % de la prévalence de la consommation de tabac d’ici 2025, une initiative qui s’inscrit dans le cadre mondial de suivi des maladies non transmissibles. Les pays de la Région de la Méditerranée orientale...

02 Juin 2015

Le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC) a été fondé en 1965. Son principal objectif est d’identifier les causes du cancer de manière à permettre l’adoption de mesures préventives. Basé à Lyon (France), le Centre coordonne et mène des recherches épidémiologiques et de laboratoire en se concentrant sur le cancer...

02 Juin 2015

Arrêter de fumer est la meilleure façon de réduire le cancer – L’OMS aide à la mise en œuvre de contrôles antitabac efficaces Le tabagisme est la principale cause de mortalité évitable dans le monde, responsable de près de 6 millions de décès chaque année. Environ un tiers de ces décès est...

29 Avril 2015

En juillet 2014, les dirigeants mondiaux se sont réunis lors de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies pour évaluer les efforts accomplis depuis 2011 dans la lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles, telles que les cardiopathies et les accidents vasculaires cérébraux, le cancer, le diabète et les pneumopathies chroniques. Les profils des pays...