الترصد والتنبؤ والاستجابة | المناسبات والاجتماعات | Consultative meeting to develop infection control guidelines on viral haemorrhagic fever 20–21 June 2012

Consultative meeting to develop infection control guidelines on viral haemorrhagic fever 20–21 June 2012

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The Regional Office is organizing a consultative meeting for the development of infection control guidance for countries in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region from 20 to 21 June 2012 in Cairo, Egypt.

The objective of this meeting is to develop recommendations on infection prevention and control measures for health care of patients with suspected or confirmed viral haemorrhagic fevers.

Infectious disease experts from selected countries in the Region as well as experts from WHO collaborating centres and other international centers of expertise working in the field of infection control for dangerous pathogens have been invited. 

The meeting is expected to provide interim guidance on how to systematize infection control procedures for patients with viral haemorrhagic fevers including those with unknown pathogens. 

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