الصفحة الرئيسية

Outbreak update - Cholera in Yemen, 18 August 2019

29 August 2019 - The Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen reported 16,296 suspected cases and 8 associated deaths during epidemiological week 33 (12- 18 August) of 2019. Thirteen percent of cases were severe. The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases from 1 January 2018 to 18 August 2019 is 953 888, with 1323 associated deaths (CFR 0.14%). Children under five represent 24.4% of total suspected cases during 2019. The outbreak has affected 22 of 23 governorates and 305 of 333 districts in Yemen.

The trend of weekly reported suspected cholera cases started increasing from week 8 in 2019 and reached more than 29 500 cases in week 14. These were the maximum number of cases reported so far. The trend of suspected cases has been fluctuating over the past weeks. Starting from week 23, the number of cases increased with the start of rainy season. However, since week 27, less cases were reported every week. For the last three weeks, a stable trend was observed.

The governorates reporting the highest number of suspected cases of cholera during 2019 were Amanat Al Asimah (83 870), Al Hudaydah (74 547) Sana’a (72 160), Hajjah (55 272), Dhamar (50 016), Ibb (52 611), and Arman (38 916). 

Of a total 88 173 samples tested since January 2019, 4352 have been confirmed as cholera-positive by culture at the central public health laboratories. During this reporting period the governorates reporting the highest number of positive culture were Taizz (1106), Amanat Al Asimah (1236) and Sana’a (436).   

WHO continues to provide leadership and support for activities with health authorities and partners to respond to this ongoing cholera outbreak, including case management, surveillance and laboratory investigations, hotspot mapping and Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) campaign planning, water sanitation, hygiene (WaSH) and risk communication.

«القول بأن «في إمكاننا القضاء على الكوليرا» أمرٌ لا يمكن الاستخفاف به على الإطلاق»

«القول بأن «في إمكاننا القضاء على الكوليرا» أمرٌ لا يمكن الاستخفاف به على الإطلاق»

27 كانون الأول/ ديسمبر 2018 هناك خطة جديدة لمعركة القضاء على الكوليرا. فالوثيقة التي عُنوِنَت بجدارة «القضاء على الكوليرا»، تبعث على التفاؤل وتطمح إلى عالم لا يمثل فيه ذلك المرض القديم قِدَم الزمن تهديداً للصحة العامة بعد اليوم. ويقود الدكتور دومينيك ليغروس جهود منظمة الصحة العالمية للقضاء على الكوليرا، حيث كان جزءًا أصيلًا من هذه المعركة طيلة 25 عامًا. ومن الناحية التقنيّة، يقول الدكتور ليغروس إن علاج الكوليرا أمر بسيط للغاية: فهو يبدأ وينتهي بالحصول على المياه المأمونة. غير أن واقع الحال أثبت ما يكتنفه هذا الأمر من تعقيدات كبيرة.

للاطلاع على المزيد

‘A health threat anywhere is a health threat everywhere’: new strategic framework for infectious hazard management discussed and adopted

‘A health threat anywhere is a health threat everywhere’: new strategic framework for infectious hazard management discussed and adopted

19 December 2018 - From 16 to 19 December, nearly 100 infectious disease experts from Ministries of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO), and research institutes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) and worldwide, convened in Amman, Jordan, to discuss, review and adopt the new strategic framework for prevention and control of emerging and epidemic-prone diseases drafted by the Infectious Hazard Management Unit (IHM) at WHO’s Regional Office.

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أخبار  الفاشيات

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بوابة أحداث الفاشيات والصحة العامة

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