الأمراض المدارية والأمراض حيوانية المنشأ | المناسبات والاجتماعات | Fourteenth meeting of national programme managers on leprosy elimination in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Fourteenth meeting of national programme managers on leprosy elimination in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

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The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean organized a regional meeting of national leprosy control programme managers from 29 to 30 October 2014. The meeting was held in Rabat, Morocco.

The objectives of the meeting were to:

  • provide an update on the epidemiological situation of leprosy at global and national levels, and on innovations in prevention strategies;
  • review progress and challenges of implementation of the Enhanced Global Strategy for Further Reducing the Disease Burden due to Leprosy (2011–2015) in countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region during 2014; and
  • discuss potential solutions to obstacles met in 2014 during implementation of action plans, and outline 2015 plans accordingly.

The meeting was attended by participants from Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen, and representatives of AID to Leprosy Patients (ALP) in Pakistan and World Concern in Somalia.

Read the report

Summary report on the Fourteenth meeting of national programme managers on leprosy elimination in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Rabat, Morocco, 29–30 October 2014

مطبوعات مميزة

Leishmaniasis_manualدليل الإدارة العلاجية لحالات داء الليشمانيات الجلدي في إقليم شرق المتوسط ​​[pdf 195ميغابايت]- بالإنكليزية - بالفرنسية

Leishmaniasis_framework_docإطار العمل على داء الليشمانيات الجلدي في إقليم شرق المتوسط ​​2014-2018 [pdf 364كيلوبايت] -بالإنكليزية - بالفرنسية

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إحصاءات وأرقام

مستودع الصحة الإقليمية

قائمة الخبراء

مرحبا بكم في قائمة الخبراء الاستشاريين لأمراض المناطق المدارية

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