Summary of clinical scenarios and treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis

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Situation 1

Situation 2

Situation 3

The patient:

All features defining situation 1 but:

The patient:

1) Has lesions that are all limited in size (papule, nodule or ulcerated nodule less than 4 cm),

1) Did not cure despite previous care (as in situation 1)

1) Had all features defining situation 1 or 2 but did not cure despite previous care




 2) Has less than four lesions

2) Has less than four lesions for which he asks for treatment

2) Has a lesion of 4 cm or more (plaque)




3) Has lesions that are not potentially disfiguring or disabling (not on face,  fingers or toes).

3) Has lesion(s) located in sites compatible with local treatment

3) Has four or more lesions requiring immediate therapy




4) Is infected with L. major (or the lesion is already self-curing)

4) Has one or more active lesion due to L. tropica or L. infantum

4) Has lesion(s) located in sites NOT compatible with local treatment




5) Is not immunocompromised and does not suffer unbalanced diabetes.

5) Is not immunocompromised and does not suffer unbalanced diabetes.

5) Is immunocompromised or suffers unbalanced diabetes.

Treatment:  Situation 1

Treatment: situation 2

Treatment: situation 3

Wash lesions, and put dressing on lesion.

Wash lesions, and put dressing on lesion.

Wash lesions, and put dressing on lesion.

No specific antileishmanial therapy.

Use intralesional antimonials alone:  1-5 ml twice weekly for 3-4 weeks until complete cure.

Systemic treatment with pentavalent antimonials: 20mg Sb5+/kg/day x 21 days

Follow-up  at 14, 30, 45 days with a final visit at 180 days.

Follow-up  at 14, 30, 45 days with a final visit at 180 days.

Follow-up at 14, 30, 45 days with a final visit at 180 days.

Mention the possibility for the patient to come back to receive specific antileishmanial therapy if the evolution is not satisfactory.

Note: For more details and additional treatment options see Manual for case management of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

مطبوعات مميزة

Leishmaniasis_manualدليل الإدارة العلاجية لحالات داء الليشمانيات الجلدي في إقليم شرق المتوسط ​​[pdf 195ميغابايت]- بالإنكليزية - بالفرنسية

Leishmaniasis_framework_docإطار العمل على داء الليشمانيات الجلدي في إقليم شرق المتوسط ​​2014-2018 [pdf 364كيلوبايت] -بالإنكليزية - بالفرنسية

Handbook_lmphatic_filariasisداء الفيلاريات اللمفي: دليل برامج الاستئصال الوطنية  | بالإنكليزية [pdf 289 ميغابايت]

إحصاءات وأرقام

مستودع الصحة الإقليمية

قائمة الخبراء

مرحبا بكم في قائمة الخبراء الاستشاريين لأمراض المناطق المدارية

إن قائمة الخبراء الاستشاريين توفر للمكتب الإقليمي لمنظمة الصحة العالمية لشرق المتوسط قائمة محدثة من الخبراء الفنيين في المجالات المرتبطة بمهام المنظمة في أمراض المناطق المدارية.
