
Reports of the country capacity survey on NCDs

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Report of the 2019 country capacity survey in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Publication date: 2023

This report summarizes the status of national capacity to prevent and control NCDs in the Region based on the 2019 survey, the seventh in the series. The questionnaire of the survey was sent to all 22 countries and territories of the Region and had a 100% response rate. This report also identifies strengths and limitations in national capacities for NCD prevention and control relative to the objectives and recommendations of the WHO Global action plan for the prevention and control of NCDs 2013–2020 and underscores the areas that urgently need prioritization and further intervention.



Report of the 2017 country capacity survey in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Publication date: 2019

This regional report on the 2017 noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) country capacity survey offers an overview of the current capacities of the countries of the Region to prevent and control NCDs, particularly in regard to the four key areas of: governance, prevention and reduction of risk factors, surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, and health care. The report aims to inform the work of decision-makers in ministries of health and other sectors related to health, NCD managers, physicians, clinicians, researchers, the media and others.



Report of the 2015 country capacity survey in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Publication date: 2016

This regional report on the 2015 noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) country capacity survey offers an overview of the current capacities of the countries of the Region to prevent and control NCDs, particularly in regard to the four key areas of: governance, prevention and reduction of risk factors, surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, and health care. The report aims to inform the work of decision-makers in ministries of health and other sectors related to health, NCD managers, physicians, clinicians, researchers, the media and others.



Report of the 2010 country capacity survey in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Publication date: 2010

This regional report is based largely on the results of a 2010 country capacity survey for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, as well as the Global status report on NCDs 2010. Some countries in the Region have updated their survey data since 2010, and these updates have been incorporated in the report and the country profiles where relevant.


Related resources

Assessing national capacity for the prevention and control of NCDs: Reports of the global survey