World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé

Capacity-building in tropical disease implementation research


IR_Hammamet14 January 2018 – Implementation research is conducted within routine systems and real-life settings, removed from the controlled settings associated with other types of scientific research. With development of the TDR Implementation Research Toolkit, a series of successful workshops were held for grantees, in coordination with the TDR Regional Training Centre: Pasteur Institute, Tunis.

A workshop was conducted from 25 to 27 October 2017 in Hammamet, Tunisia, aimed at:

The workshop included 14 participants from 9 countries – Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Islamic Republic of Iran, Libya, Pakistan, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen.  During the course, the TDR toolkit was used and has been designed to:

Workshop facilitators were from Pasteur Institute of Tunis, the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Arabian Gulf University, and experts in implementation research.

By the end of the workshop, participants were able to:

Related link

Implementation research toolkit