World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé

Learning exchange study tour on SIAMED software


Participants learning about the use of SIAMED software9 Decembr 2018 – On 3–6 December 2018, WHO facilitated a learning exchange study tour to the Directorate of Pharmacy and Medicines in Tunis, Tunisia, on the use of WHO’s Model System for Computer-assisted Drug Registration (SIAMED) software. The tour took place as part of the European Union-funded SHAMS project.

Eight technical officers responsible for medicines registration in the Pharmacy Administration Department of the Libyan Ministry of Health and three technical officers from WHO attended the learning exchange study tour.

The study tour was organized as a follow-up to the SIAMED software installation and training that took place on 25 March–7 April 2018 at the Pharmacy Administration Department in Tripoli.

The collaboration allowed participants to experience “live” usage of the SIAMED software for medicines registration and the registration of manufacturers and marketeers.

The study tour participants were shown the procedures for issuing new marketing authorizations, making renewals and amendments and rejecting authorizations. The participants benefitted from an enhanced understanding of all aspects of the registration process.