World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé

Workshop on the development of a national pharmacovigilance strategy in Libya


Pharmacovigilance1 April 2018 – The European Union-funded WHO project “Strengthening Health Information System and Medical Supply Chain Management (SHAMS)” engaged with the Moroccan WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmacovigilance to conduct a capacity-building workshop on the development of a national pharmacovigilance strategy in Libya.

The newly established Libyan Pharmacovigilance department in the Ministry of Health has attended the training which held in Tunis between 26 and 30 March 2018.

Through interactive sessions and presentations the 8 participants were trained on how to implement pharmacovigilance in Libyan health facilities and to initiate international cooperation with the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring. 

A site visit to the Tunisian Pharmacovigilance department was also arranged as part of the workshop.  Tunis like Libya, is also an associate member of the WHO international drug monitoring programme.

This site visit gave the newly formed Libyan Pharmacovigilance committee an opportunity to understand how the Tunisian centre was created in 1993 and provided an insight into their daily work practices.