World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé

Social determinants of health


Due to the rise of obesity in Jordan, WHO established a social determinants of health programme. The objectives of the programme are to introduce simplified food labelling on the front of packages and provide easily understood/understandable information on calorie, sugar, fat, and salt content, for a standard serve/portion size. In partnerships with industry, health and consumer groups, the programme aims to improve policy and actions to increase awareness and knowledge about obesity as an important determinant of health in Jordan.

Obesity has been identified as a major social determinant of health through the work of two recently established committees – a technical intersectoral committee and a steering committee. The technical intersectoral committee includes representatives from all sectors concerned with the problem of obesity. The two committees have produced and approved a strategic plan for social determinants of health, highlighting the problem of overweight and obesity.

The three main goals of the programme are to: (1) reduce the incidence of overweight and obesity in the community; (2) build the capacity of health care officials concerned with the problem; and (3) encourage the use of evidence and scientific information in formulating health and social policies for this and other social determinants of health.