World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé

Improving access to inclusive health care in long-term care facilities


The main purpose of the project “Improving access to inclusive health care in long-term care facilities and enhancing the quality of life and dignity of the most vulnerable populations in Islamic Republic of Iran during the time of emergencies and pandemics” is to enhance the local capacity to provide quality services to the elderly and people living with disabilities through multi-tiered interventions to address the various aspects of their vulnerability against respiratory infections, such as COVID-19. This includes strengthening the capacity of long-term care facilities in COVID-19 risk reduction and response measures, training caregivers and service providers on providing tailored and quality care,; and providing the most needed assistive technologies for prioritized individuals with reduced access to services due to socioeconomic vulnerabilities.

This project is co-funded by the European Union and the Government of Canada to fulfil the below-determined results around the country:

Lowering risk and ensuring a better response to COVID-19 and other respiratory infections

With the support of the project, 30 eligible long-term care facilities will establish standard isolation rooms and adopt standard guidelines and procedures for COVID-19 risk reduction and response to provide upgraded and standardized services for around 6000 people.

Support includes:

procuring, distributing and installing standard and high-quality equipment and supplies for isolation, oxygen therapy and supportive care;

standardizing isolation rooms based on global and national guidelines for maximum comfort, better care and minimized risk for service providers and other residents;

developing standard procedures for COVID-19 case management;

conducting COVID-19 data surveillance over a 6-month period after establishing the isolation rooms to ensure efficiency

Ensuring access to tailored and quality services by caregivers and service providers

The project supports the development of guidelines, service packages and capacity-building platforms for training of caregivers and service providers and ensures access to these services in long-term care facilities with above 150 residents across the country, covering at least 25% of the whole population residing in long-term facilities.

Support includes:

training personnel and caregivers on COVID-19 risk reduction on ventilation and air quality; infection prevention and control; occupational health and safety; waste management; and food safety’

developing a standard skills training package for chronic mental illness patients; and

developing an online training and research platform that ensures standard and updated training of caregivers and service providers across the country.

Providing access to the most needed assistive technologies for the most vulnerable

Supported by the project, over 1000 persons living with disabilities across the country will have access to at least one of the most needed assistive technologies (wheelchairs, commode wheelchairs, anti-decubitus mattresses).

Support also includes:

procuring and distributing standard and high-quality assistive technology instruments for activities of daily living;

ensuring equity by evidence-based selection of individuals and prioritizing the most in-need populations;

ensuring the suitability of the distribution process and the items for recipients.