Initiative Pour un monde sans tabac | Recent publications | Tobacco industry activities in Pakistan: 1992–2002

Tobacco industry activities in Pakistan: 1992–2002

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Image shows publication cover entitled Tobacco industry activities in Pakistan: 1992 – 2002.Transnational tobacco companies have had a presence in Pakistan for over 50 years. British American Tobacco (BAT) established Pakistan Tobacco Co. (PTC) in 1947, making it one of the first foreign companies in the newly established country (1); PTC “inherited the business previously conducted by Imperial Tobacco Co., Tobacco Manufacturers India and ILTD [Indian Leaf Tobacco Development]” (1). Philip Morris (PM) entered the Pakistani market in August 1967, obtaining interests in Premier Tobacco Industries Ltd (PTI) through its purchase of the British holding company Godfrey Phillips Ltd (2).


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« Lieux publics non fumeurs » signifie qu'il est interdit de fumer dans TOUS les lieux de travail et lieux publics intérieurs.

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