World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé

Sub-regional meeting on enhancing cholera/acute watery diarrhea preparedness and response Beirut, Lebanon on 15th – 16th August 2023


The Sub-regional Meeting on enhancing cholera/acute watery diarrhea preparedness and response held in Beirut, Lebanon on August 15th – 16th, 2023, addressed a pressing concern:

Over 1 million suspected cholera cases were reported in 2022 across eight countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR). These cases have placed an immense strain on already fragile healthcare systems within the cholera-affected nations/countries. The meeting aimed to evaluate and enhance the EMR's preparedness and response to cholera outbreaks.

Attended by more than 50 participants both physically and virtually, the event boasted a diverse representation from various organizations including MOH representatives from nine countries (IR Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and Sudan), WHO (country offices, regional office, and HQ), UNICEF (MENARO and ROSA), AUB, EMPHINET, IOM, UK-Med, OCHA, UNHCR, and UNRWA.


Throughout the meeting, a meticulous analysis of the EMR situation took place. The recommendations included:

- Strengthening coordination at the sub-national level.

- Enhancing disease surveillance and ensuring adherence to standard case definitions.

- Establishing integrated, multi-sector rapid response teams in affected regions.

- Decentralizing and expanding laboratory testing capabilities.

- Reinforcing guidelines for case management and infection prevention and control.

- Scaling up water and sanitation initiatives at the household level.

- Enhancing risk communication within communities.

- Bolstering preparedness and response capacities at Points of Entry to swiftly identify potential cases and refer them to suitable health facilities.

- Implementing robust monitoring and evaluation systems while sharing epidemiological data for periodic risk assessments and cholera trend monitoring.

The meeting concluded with a renewed sense of purpose. Equipped with new strategic insights and heightened awareness of existing obstacles, all stakeholders expressed optimism in their collective efforts to improve the response to the ongoing cholera outbreak in the EMR.