World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé

WHO and Morocco sign Country Cooperation Strategy for 2017–2021


On Thursday 30 March 2017, the Country Cooperation Strategy (2017–2021) was signed between Morocco and WHO in a ceremony held in Morocco. The strategy was signed by Dr Abdelali Belghiti Alaoui, Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, and Mr Yves Souteyrand, WHO Representative in Morocco.

The strategy was developed in 2016 in line with reforms in the health care system and with major international commitments. Strategy development, guided both by a national steering committee and technical committee, has guaranteed its ownership by the country.

Cooperation between Morocco and WHO for 2017–2021 centres around 4 priorities:

providing access to quality, comprehensive, people-centred health care services for the most vulnerable groups to progress towards universal health coverage;

contributing to attaining the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals through providing support to public health programmes to reduce morbidity and mortality and identifying social and environmental determinants of health to address inequality;

strengthening essential public health functions and health security;

strengthening governance of the health sector and maintaining momentum to address regional public health challenges.

A 30 million dirham budget for the biennium has been allocated to fund the programme of work to provide technical support, build capacity and to monitor and evaluate progress.