World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé

Launch of proficiency testing training to combat antimicrobial resistance


WHO Representative Dr Iman Shankiti addresses attendees of the launchWHO Representative Dr Iman Shankiti addresses attendees of the launch

1 April 2019 – With the support of the World Health Organization (WHO), a national antimicrobial resistance action plan has been developed by the Ministry of Public Health through a collaborative process including stakeholders from both the human health and animal health sectors.

As part of the roll out of the plan, in 2019 WHO has initiated national microbiology proficiency testing training, implemented in partnership with Universite Saint Joseph Research laboratory, and the American University of Beirut Microbiology laboratory.

Directors of hospitals from across Lebanon attended a launching event for the proficiency testing training at Universite Saint Joseph on 11 March.

WHO Representative Dr Iman Shankiti, Minister of Health Dr Jamal Jabak, and Dr Mohamad Farran representing the Minister of Agriculture, attended the meeting and emphasized the importance of combating antimicrobial resistance in Lebanon through activities in line with the national antimicrobial resistance action plan.

“Let us join efforts under the One Health approach, in order to combat antimicrobial resistance through effective collaborative interventions,” said Dr Shankiti. In his speech, the Minister of Health Dr Jabak pledged commitment towards supporting initiatives to counteract antimicrobial resistance and stated, “We are aware of the gravity of the situation and we acknowledge the need to act swiftly to combat antimicrobial resistance through evidence-based joint efforts”. In the coming years, WHO will support more national activities as part of the roll out of the action plan to tackle this threat that is affecting Lebanon’s public health.

Related link

Global action plan on antimicrobial resistance