
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework

In 2011 the World Health Assembly through resolution no WHA64.5 adopted the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework, with the objective to improve preparedness and response for the next influenza pandemic. As a unique public-private partnership, the framework has three major comonents-virus sharing, benefit sharing and governance. The PIP Framework aims to make the international response to pandemic influenza nimble, flexible, effective and equitable as such 70% of partnership contribution funds from the PIP framework are allocated to enhance preparedness amongst the low and middle-income countries.  Among the beneficiary countries of the PIP Partnership Contribution, there are seven countries from the Region-Afghanistan, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan and Yemen. These countries were selcted based on its geographic distribution in influenza transmission zones, countrt development status and country needs for enhancing influenza epidemiological and laboratory surveillance capacity . 

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