World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé

Let's rise, Oman


The Let’s Rise project aims to improve and develop healthy lifestyles among the community of the South Sharquiya governorate. Aim: The Let’s Rise project aims to improve and develop healthy lifestyles among the community of the South Sharquiya governorate. 

Location: South Sharquiya governorate is one of 11 governorates in Oman, located on the coastal east 185 km from Muscat. It comprises five willayates and has a population of approximately 360 000. 

Duration: The project started in February 2013. The communication campaign ended in April 2013, however, the delivery of physical activity opportunities is ongoing. 

Funding: The communication campaign was funded by the Ministry of Health. 

Lead agency: The Ministry of Health.

Partners: The project benefits from partnerships with a range of organizations, including the Ministry of Education in the form of Governorate's schools, the local municipality, Oman Woman's Association, and community support groups. 

Key focus

Key components for physical activity

Public education

School-based interventions

Community-based interventions

Evaluation: Annual reports, summarising the activities of the project, are prepared for each of the five willayate. 

Key findings

Overall 70 schools and 20 primary health care institutions have taken part in the project from across the five willayate. More than 350 lectures have been delivered, reaching over 10 500 people. 

Key factors contributing to the success of the project


Men playing volleyball on the beach A group of men on the beach involved in physical activity