
Volume 14 Issue 1

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Research articles

Smoking and asthma in 20–44-yearold adults in Urmia, Islamic Republic of Iran

Altitude and bronchial asthma in south-western Saudi Arabia

Serum lipid profiles with and without CAD: Jordan Hyperlipidaemia and Related Targets Study (JoHARTS-1)

Coronary heart disease and associated risk factors in Qazvin: a population-based study

Prevalence of type 2 diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors in a semirural area in Yemen

Central obesity among adults in Egypt: prevalence and associated morbidity

Head circumference reference data for Egyptian children and adolescents

Qualitative study on nutritional knowledge of primary-school children and mothers in Tehran

Age at menarche in girls born from 1985 to 1989 in Mazandaran, Islamic Republic of Iran

Comparing the complications of 2 copper intrauterine devices: T380A and Cu-Safe 300

Prevalence of induced abortion and associated complications in women attending hospitals in Isfahan

Dental health status and risk factors for dental caries in adults in Istanbul, Turkey

Prevalence and risk indicators of periodontal disease among high-school students in Tehran

Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in Pakistan

Use of the Internet by Sudanese doctors and medical students

Knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning HIV/AIDS among Iranian at-risk sub-populations

Seroprevalence of hepatitis E in Nahavand, Islamic Republic of Iran: a population-based study

Seroepidemiology of toxoplasmosis in primigravida women in Hamadan, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2004

دراسات ميكروبيولوجية لأقراص اللحم المفروم المتبّلة (beef burgers) في مدينة طرابلس، بالجماهيرية العربية الليبية

Short communication

Health of people working/living in the vicinity of an oil-polluted beach near Karachi, Pakistan

Molar pregnancy and husband’s occupation: do soil and dust have any role?

Connaissances et vécu des mères de la région de Tunis vis-à -vis de certaines conduites addictives chez les jeunes


Effect of garlic on atherosclerosis and its factors


Malaria control in an urban area: a success story from Khartoum, 1995–2004

Aggressive strategic planning for oral health in Kuwait: a decade of post-war successes

Case report

Aspiration of an incisor tooth after adenotonsillectomy in a 10-year-old Saudi boy

Cladosporium spp. as a causative agent of white superficial onychomycosis