World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé



The Eastern Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors (EMAME) was established as a result of the first and second regional conferences on medical journals held in Cairo in 2003 and Riyadh in 2004, respectively. It is a nongovernmental, non-partisan and non-profit organization.

The objectives of EMAME are to:

Promote cooperation and communication between editors of medical journals in WHO’s Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean and throughout the world.

Promote health-care through the dissemination of high quality scientific medicine.

Improve editorial standards and promote professionalism in medical editing through education, self-criticism and self-governance.

Promote research in peer review and medical editing.

Cooperate with any national or international body, which pursues objectives similar to or compatible with the Association e.g. World Association of Medical Editors and Forum for African Medical Editors.

Contribute to the worldwide medical society.

Promote the provision of free access or special access to medical journals in underdeveloped countries, such as the HINARI initiative.

Promote international indexing.

Form an advisory board for WHO indexing, for which the quality not the quantity is important.

Promote continuing education for editors of medical journals with regular conferences and courses on an annual or 2-yearly basis.