World Health Organization
منظمة الصحة العالمية
Organisation mondiale de la Santé

Age-friendly primary health care centres


WHO has recognized the critical role that primary health centres play in the health of older persons in all countries and the need for these centres to be accessible and adapted to the needs of older populations.

In 2002, WHO initiated a related age-friendly primary health care project in order to sensitize and educate primary health care workers and build capacity in primary health care centres to provide for the specific needs of their older users.

Consequently, all primary health care workers should be well versed in the diagnosis and management of chronic diseases in older people.


The objectives of the age-friendly primary health care project are to:

Related documents

Towards age-friendly primary health care guidelines [pdf 426.16kb]

Age-friendly primary health care centres toolkit [pdf 2.29Mb]

Trainer guide for normal ageing and communication [pdf 296.99kb]