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A course on management and leadership skills in epidemics and pandemics

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The pandemic and epidemic disease programme at WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is organizing a training course on management and leadership skills in epidemic and pandemic settings. The course jointly organized with Imperial College London through its WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education and Training aims to strengthen management and leadership aspects of preparedness and response during disease epidemics and pandemic situations.

The course will be facilitated by faculty well experienced in theory and practice in disease outbreaks response. It will be held at the WHO Regional Office in Cairo, Egypt on 12–14 April 2016. Participants will be managers, directors and senior staff working at the ministries of health in the Region.

The course will be using case studies and best practices in addition to the latest knowledge of lessons learnt available in addressing management and leadership challenges in disease outbreaks. In addition, focus will be on principles and practices on decision-making, resource mobilization and planning, staff and stakeholder management and personal effectiveness as managers and leaders during epidemic and pandemic.

Related link

WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education and Training

For more information

Pandemic and epidemic disease programme

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آخر المستجدات حول وضع الكوليرا في العراق، 16-22 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2015

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