الترصد والتنبؤ والاستجابة | المناسبات والاجتماعات | Event management system training for WHO country office staff 22-26 April 2012

Event management system training for WHO country office staff 22-26 April 2012

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A photograph of training participants and trainersWHO Country Office staff members from Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan participated in this training course. Photo credit: WHOA five day training course was held from 22 to 26 April 2012 at the Regional Office in Cairo, Egypt, on the event management system for WHO country office staff responsible for monitoring of outbreaks and other public health events of potential concern.

Ten WHO country office staff from Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan participated in the training course.

The event management system is a WHO organization-wide system for managing acute public health events that may threaten regional and international health security. 

It is expected that the training will bring greater coherence to organization-wide (WHO headquarters, Regional Office and country offices) operational, managerial and technical procedures for management of acute public health events.   

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