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Rushing COVID-19 aid to countries in need

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In late April 2020, WHO continued its life-saving work to help people affected by COVID-19 in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Click through this photo gallery to see highlights of WHO’s work.

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Islamic Republic of Iran has suffered thousands of COVID-19 deaths. The country has joined WHO’s Solidarity Trial to test potential treatments. WHO handed over Solidarity Trial medications to the country’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
Islamic Republic of Iran has suffered thousands of COVID-19 deaths. The country has joined WHO’s Solidarity Trial to test potential treatments. WHO handed over Solidarity Trial medications to the country’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
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In Somalia, WHO and United Nations partners are improving laboratory capacity for COVID-19 testing under the leadership of the country’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Photo courtesy of United Nations Population Fund.
In Somalia, WHO and United Nations partners are improving laboratory capacity for COVID-19 testing under the leadership of the country’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Photo courtesy of United Nations Population Fund.
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The Gaza Strip is facing a chronic shortage of essential medical supplies for COVID-19. WHO procured 5 laboratory kits to support testing of hundreds of people in Gaza Strip, with more essential supplies on the way.
The Gaza Strip is facing a chronic shortage of essential medical supplies for COVID-19. WHO procured 5 laboratory kits to support testing of hundreds of people in Gaza Strip, with more essential supplies on the way.
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In the city of Aden in Yemen, WHO and partners trained 40 medical staff working in isolation units. The training covered therapy, infection prevention and control, and psychological first aid.
In the city of Aden in Yemen, WHO and partners trained 40 medical staff working in isolation units. The training covered therapy, infection prevention and control, and psychological first aid.
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In Afghanistan, the head of the pharmacy unit at Afghan Japan Infectious Disease Hospital expressed gratitude for WHO’s support: “The timely provision of medical equipment and supplies from the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak helped us address the existing problems and respond to the ongoing pandemic.”
In Afghanistan, the head of the pharmacy unit at Afghan Japan Infectious Disease Hospital expressed gratitude for WHO’s support: “The timely provision of medical equipment and supplies from the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak helped us address the existing problems and respond to the ongoing pandemic.”
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In Lebanon, WHO Representative Dr Iman Shankiti met with a fashion designer (right) to discuss options for making coveralls, gowns, and other protective gear for health workers.
In Lebanon, WHO Representative Dr Iman Shankiti met with a fashion designer (right) to discuss options for making coveralls, gowns, and other protective gear for health workers.