مصر | الأحداث | Tenth annual clinical pathology conference takes place in Hurghada

Tenth annual clinical pathology conference takes place in Hurghada

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2018-03-11-PHOTO-0000003111 March 2018 – Dr John Jabbour, WHO Representative for Egypt, and Dr Omar Abou El Ata, Technical Officer for Antimicrobial Resistance, attended the tenth annual clinical pathology conference, which took place in Hurghada from 21 to 24 February 2018. They were invited by Dr Ahmed Abdou, Head of Assyut University.

The global threat posed by antimicrobial resistance and the action needed to address this threat was the main theme of the conference, which was attended by more than 200 professors and researchers from various medical schools and research institutions in Egypt.

Dr John Jabbour and Dr Omar Abou El Ata gave a presentation on the global action plan for antimicrobial resistance and highlighted measures to strengthen capacities in:

  • improving awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance through effective communication, education and training;
  • strengthening knowledge through surveillance and research;
  • reducing the incidence of infection through improved infection prevention and control measures;
  • optimizing the use of antimicrobial agents in human and animal health;
  • promoting research and innovation.

The conference concluded with agreement on a strategic research agenda within the One Health approach to understand how resistance develops, spreads and circulates between humans and animals.

Related link

Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (2015)

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