مصر | الأحداث | Workshop on health literacy and its role in the SDGs

Workshop on health literacy and its role in the SDGs

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IMG_0944_-_Copy_2The WHO country office in Egypt, in collaboration with Ain Shams University and the Ministry of Health and Population, organized a workshop on health literacy and its role in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), universal health coverage and Egypt's national health plan, in Cairo from 13 to 17 August. 

The workshop was led by Professor Richard Osborne, Head of Public Health, Health System Improvement Unit School, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, a WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Literacy. The workshop was jointly inaugurated by WHO Representative in Egypt, the Director of the Health Promotion Department in the Regional Office and the Dean of Ain Shams University. 

The objective of the workshop was to build capacity in health literacy in Egypt to support key stakeholders to understand and use health literacy in their efforts to achieve the SDGs. 

The Government of Egypt was keen to implement this pioneering workshop, as the first of itws kind in the Region, in response to the Shangahi Declaration of 2016 at the ninth global conference on health promotion, which announced health literacy as one of 3 key health promotion pillars to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

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21 November 2016


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