الصفحة الرئيسية

Progress toward MDG 4 in the Eastern Mediterranean Region is slowing down

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world_statistics_report_010Recent mortality estimates suggest further reductions in the number of children under-5 who died globally in 2008 compared with 2007 but no changes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, according to the recently released World Health Statistics Report 2010. An estimated 1.2 million deaths occurred in children under-5 in the Eastern Mediterranean Region in 2008, as many as in 2007. The new under-5 mortality estimates suggest a stagnation or low progress in a number of MDG priority countries with high under-5 mortality rates, such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Sudan, which contribute to 80% of all under-5 deaths in the Region. Low progress is also seen in Djibouti. A preliminary analysis in a few countries of the Region suggests that trends in reduction—expressed as average annual rates of reduction—may have decreased in recent years. Although caution should be exercised when comparing these estimates for different, consecutive years, Morocco under-5 mortality estimates for 2008 suggest recent stagnation in progress, despite the country having achieved a 59% mortality reduction between the period 1990 to 2008. Yemen’s progress continues to be encouraging. Overall, a 26% reduction in under-5 mortality has been estimated for the Region for the period 1990–2008, well below the two-thirds set by MDG 4 for the year 2015. Detailed information on mortality rates and trends by country, based on the World Health Statistics, 2010, is presented in tables and illustrated with graphs in the section on "Data and statistics: Under-5 mortality and its causes".