صحةُ الأطفال ونماؤُهم | الأخبار | 2006 | Third Intercountry Workshop on the Child Health Policy Initiative (CHPI) held in Tunis, Tunisia, 10-13 December 2006

Third Intercountry Workshop on the Child Health Policy Initiative (CHPI) held in Tunis, Tunisia, 10-13 December 2006

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chpi-tunThis workshop was the third of a series of workshops on the CHPI organized by EMRO to guide the process on national child health policy development, share experiences between interested countries and support their work in this area. A total of 43 participants attended the workshop, including 31 national representatives of 10 countries in the Region (Egypt, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia and Yemen), staff from four UNICEF country offices, the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, WHO Regional Office for Africa and WHO country offices in the EMR.

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